
Paleohacks Cookbooks

10 reasons activated charcoal should be inevery home though long used for a variety of purposes,activated charcoal still isn’t something that’s well known – but it’s truly amazing,and we’re here with ten reasons you should be sure you always have some in your home. charcoal is what results when coal or woodare burned, but it becomes “activated charcoal” when high temps and an activating agent expandthe charcoal’s surface area. egyptians and sumerians were the first touse it medicinally, and it’s uses have only expanded since, including as an anti-poisoningagent. consider the following ten reasons you shouldhave it around:

anti-poisoning agent this is how activated charcoal is best known,as emergency rooms use large doses of the stuff to counteract some types of poisoning. activated charcoal, which is a fine, blackpowder that’s tasteless and odorless, has been estimated to reduce poisonous substancesby as much as 60% – working through the entire length of the stomach as well as thesmall and large intestines. research has shown that it’s often moreeffective than stomach pumping. additionally, a 1981 study, reported in preventionmagazine, confirmed what native americans have believed for centuries – it cuts downon the amount of gas produced by beans and

other gas-producing foods, as well as absorbingthe excess gas and bacteria that form the gas. 2. bloating and gas relief activated charcoal can be taken in the formof a pill, powder or liquid – if you take it in powder form, it should be blended ina non-acidic juice, but most recommended taking it in capsule or tablet form for this purpose. the dosage generally advised is two capsulesin between meals. a 1986 study, published in the american journalof gastroenterology, showed that activated

charcoal was able to prevent intestinal gasfollowing a typical gas-producing meal, so if you know ahead of time you might experienceissues, you can take it as a preventive measure too. take 500 milligrams an hour before a gas-producingmeal, with at least 12 ounces of water. follow with another glass of water immediatelyafter, which helps the charcoal get into your system where it’s able to bind with gas-producingelements. 3. bug bite relief activated charcoal is also an excellent remedyfor bug bites, be it a bee sting, mosquito

bite, fire ant bite, spider bite or what haveyou. if you’re stung by a bee or bit by a mosquito,simply mix a capsule of the activated charcoal with a half teaspoon of coconut oil. dab the mixture onto the affected area, reapplyingit once every half hour until the discomfort and/or itching is gone. as activated charcoal tends to stain anythingand everything nearby, be sure to wrap up the area using a bandage. if you’ve been bitten by a spider, likea brown recluse or black widow, use a larger bandage and more activated charcoal to helpprevent tissue damage before you can get to

a doctor. to do so, create a wrap using material that’slarge enough to go around the affected area twice. dab the coconut oil/activated charcoal ontothe fabric and then wrap it up and secure it with bandages. reapply every two to three hours and rinsewell each time in between applications. 4. cure a hangover while activated charcoal doesn’t absorbalcohol, it does help speed removal of other

toxins from the body that contribute to alcoholpoisoning, and those horrible hangovers that come with imbibing too much. as alcohol is rarely consumed in its pureform, with things like mixers often including artificial sweeteners, chemicals are othersubstances, activated charcoal can help remove those toxins to cure a hangover. if you take activated charcoal with alcohol,some studies have shown that it can significantly reduce blood alcohol concentrations. princeton university’s first aider’s guideto alcohol notes that activated charcoal is Taufiq Agung Nugrohoistered in some situations related toalcohol too, such as when an individual shows

signs of acute alcohol poisoning or is unconscious. 5. cleansing toxic mold’s effects if you’ve noticed symptoms of toxic mold,it’s also important to detox using activated charcoal. take one activated charcoal capsule just beforebedtime, to soak up the effects of mycotoxins, and continue to do so until symptoms subside. if they continue to linger, be sure to visityour healthcare provider. 6.

clearing your complexion activated charcoal uses extend far beyondinternal applications. you can also use it as a face “detox”to clear up acne and encourage a more beautiful complexion. in fact, it’s an excellent cheap alternativeto pricey face masks. to make it, all you need is: -the powder of 1 capsule of activated charcoal-2 tsp aloe vera gel (here’s how to make your own)-2 drops tea tree oil -mix all of the ingredients well and thengently smooth it across your face.

allow the mixture to dry, and then rinse itoff. the activated charcoal will bind with


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