kitchenaid dishwasher
steve: hi, it's steve from partselect. todaywe are going to show you how to change the control board on your dishwasher and it'sa really easy job. all we are going to need is a #15 torx bit and a small flat blade screwdriver.let me show you how we do it. now before we begin this repair the first thing we willneed to do is to disconnect the power to the dishwasher since we will be working on someelectrical circuits. so if it's a portable dishwasher simply unplug it, if it's a builtin dishwasher you will need to locate the fuse panel or breaker panel and disconnectthe power at that source. next we open the door completely and then locate the six screwsacross the top of the inner door panel and #15 torx screw, so we are going to removeall those, two on each side and two across
the top and then we remove the remaining twoscrews in the center to support that control panel to the inner door panel with one with the door in upright position, we are just going to lift that control paneltill it tilts forward and you will note that a protective cover over the top of the actualcontrol board and there are four locking tabs that hold that in place that need to be in the left hand corner, one across the top, so just squeeze the cover and then thetwo tabs on the end, just to press the tabs with your finger, once you released all fourtabs you can lift that cover away. set it aside. next we are going to remove the wire harnessesto the control board, just take note of where
everything is located here. top of the controlboard there is protective thermal fuse device that is clipped on to the side of the board,we will need to reuse that but it maybe easier to pull the wire terminals off of it firstif you can. we will transfer the device after we get the board out. again there are twolocking tabs on one end of that, that need to be released, same time as we lift up onthat control board. once you lift that up you can then pull the ribbon cable off ofthe end and then two connectors that's attached to the side. you have a little locking tabon them as well, just pull that tab down slightly, pull the connectors off and we will removethat board and i suggest that we lower the door panel down and then we can take that board and removethe thermal device that�s attached to it
because we are going to use it on our newboard, there is a little plastic clip around it so we just pry that clip. now with the control board removed just goingto take a small flat blade and we will pry open that plastic clip that holds that thermalfuse in place and then push it out of the opening, discard the old control board, weare simply going to snap that thermal fuse to clip on the new board make sure it is sittingflush, and we are going to first of all connect the connectors to the side of the board, makesure they are inserted full enough that the clips hold them in place. next we will installthe ribbon connector, you will note that there are a couple of guide tags on the bottom ofthat connector that line up the two slots
on the board, just need to make sure thatthose line up properly and push it on firmly. most models will have one extra terminal showing,just not going to be concerned with as long as it's lined up with those two slots that�son properly and we will slide in the right hand or outer edge of that control board firstand then press down on the center portion of it till locks in place with the lockingtabs. next we will reinstall the remaining harnessesand the two wires to the thermal fuse and we will reinstall the protective cover. makesure all the tabs line up and lock into place, we are going to tilt that control panel upinto position, we will pull that door open enough that we can seat it in properly tillit's flushed all the way around. then hold
it in that position, we will put a coupleof screws in there. then install remaining screws, now we are ready to reconnect thepower and your repair is complete.
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