kitchen york

Paleohacks Cookbooks

got a couple more audience pictures frompeople these are pouring in now and they do they're getting better and better wesaid there where do you listen or watch where do you listen to or watch the david packard show nathan walk-ins sent me a picture thisis a very coolly says i'm an american living on the island of penang malaysia every morning i go to local market toget fresh fruit and vegetables but only after seeing with the old chinese men

drinking coffee and tea while they talkabout politics and the weather in hockey and chinese i stay current ungrounded to issues back home listening to thedavid packed the show very call panoramic picture this looks like uh... quite a marketlewis who seems like a cool place down i'm fascinated by this sort of work whatdo you do in malaysia yet but the reduced you're asking methink they're hella set yet well but on the week if you tell us what he's doingthere also got a picture from susan weber wholistens in germany

she put together like a little photomontage she has our ipod uh... earbuds in she listens on thebalcony she sometimes listen for the day thepackage or making veener shizzle and she also sometimes elicit the davidpackard show while feeding her guinea pigs which apparently in german is rich whining i don't know if i'm saying thatcorrected coke right leave mir shrine guinea pigs on star right in any casekeep these coming send them to david

david patten dot com and of course we also have a lot of great picturescoming in from new contributors to the david packard show indeed go go campaign if u haven't yet heard about what's going onwith the show i don't know what's been going on forthe last two weeks but you should check it out by going to our website davidpacman dot com click on the bright blue banner at thetop of the page louis make it happen

indeed gogo make a contribution take astake in the david packard show we've raised about six thousand dollars so far without any individual contributionsover two hundred and fifty bucks but don't let that stop you from makinga big contribution but just know that the five and ten dollar contributionsare important yes they are as important as they were to ron paul they're important to us ron paul two thousand sixteen


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