kitchen yellow

Paleohacks Cookbooks

sososo skin hello um so i think uncleitaly i'm shaking the table i can just see thepitch a little hola okay um i'm gonna bunkley be thedepression song like sucks funkin sad and i don't why folk i don't know anywayso i'm basically apply anything do any videos i really haven't been do anythingto proclaim out and take care of the gift something like that what's hard toclean the house we get don't give you a mumford ms you probably constantlyinterrupted city catchy tune well i don't have time to do anything whistlein here as do you of course ivy's in the smoke or thestage or shades on monica's new funk in

this paper she doesn't work go to sleepseriously there are nicer look before am i back what's up show me to change whatdid you see she's a little monster no i um i am like there's all this stuffgoing on things are on the house beneath done mine we don't have the motoringleave the building groceries could forgive broke andthere's only favor when we do but i do because no time there's just i think iwanted even solicitor that one is really there's a list of things i need to doand then there's a time frame and i don't know where to balance a little actand i'm just kind of like at nothing just kind of lay around being old moviemovie movie whatever so yeah like i said

i'm just now starting to keep myself outof it i'm not sure what i'm doing legal documents up in my head don't we just door do this or do that or something like that i don't know basically i just needto get back on making myself with schedule a daily ritual a dateplan from hour by hour just so i can get things done that i want to get doneotherwise i'm just not gonna get anything done and then i'm just gonna beout of myself then there's similar times with the kidsbecause i keep kids away from home literally i go downstairs and follow mei go in the bathroom you follow me i'm going to get a break when logan goesinto school from him but the recent line

is along here and she will cry andscream that she cannot find me and kind of annoying it's just like i didn't goanywhere instance different room you don't need anything i knew it all thosegood all the things you needed anyway so yeah i was the new but like i startedthere's jewelry i want to turn that just more crochet you know i took out whattrying to focus on the things that i want to i wanna do crochet and make acup of that i know i don't wanna be jewelry i know i want to keep writingand i write my songs and stuff like that and there's the fun stuff i want to domy best dope fun stuff first much there's other like stuff that doesn'twork it doesn't work

how many not doesn't have any resultslike playing video game watching tv or netflix our series of uploads orsomething like that your series i want to watch good looks i want to ringing soand i'm just shaking this tables really sorry i think you know i do a table gamethere's going to be one shaky video is going to give you a heck um so just likei need to have already done my claiming schedule or down for myself bimonthly amonthly cleaning schedule because it's also change compared to what i've beenin and it has just so much space none of this closet space below theirspace i mean a lot space it's kind of like okay i knew we could scheduleparang keep up with the houses that's

just a me inside it's not has nothing todo i don't need bad stuff for the outside but really don't have anythingto do up they would like me need stuff i mean even when termas ladder alone weneed to picture united i'm hoping next year and sprinkles like shoot we can doit never happened why and there's so many bushes around your happen and iwant to get rid of because i'm capable shit but i don't like the house beingsurrounded by them kind of annoying like i rather have flower bed in a few placesnot a whole freaking bush chefs anyway well the first there's a bunch of thingsthat need done in the house like the attic need to be fixed so if we turninto our bedroom here's the patient's

basement and needs to be fixed it's kitchen yellow i want a black agrand kitchen and this is ugly yellow white kitchen all right i don't likethat yellow running pedigree i don't know what black here currently we'vetitled yours of the life do they look like the yellow would be able to beclear the mcconnell's like oh yeah oh the whole place i think yeah paper layersome double wall paper layers all be related emily and sugar knows paintingor play games just so much to do and so what you want to do i'm so little initaly nina money so just gonna be like a year's worth of good stuff to do so bythe time the kid a grow we will have it

be competent maybe yeah oh billy oftenwhen i get private suits put in front of yards the kitchens well and you're thedull and go out there don't worry about the morning off because all the way torun off and this isn't a town so we have to chase them yoursstuff like them to give you clear images streaming by car which is scary beingyou know the times she's almost done that put that down now the reason shewants caricatures anyway o garage h fixed because there's thebunch of there's a big hole straight down line going down the middle of ither the bricks are just little bit like good couldn'tso that means folks adorning doorknob

all they'd or not be changed locks mechanged or not to be changed they're all fallen off sorry a lot lotnot done that lord but i don't feel like one over the entire list because it'sgiven me a headache anna's rekha tree deprived and then myhusband was thinking that what depressions in seduce the fact that idon't have a job or a can income from you and i think bother me are eatingsalami which could go through this he said even have a weekend find a job wecan just work weekends you can add about five hours a dayi've been weekends i'm just macgyver part-time job as a who hired the weekendjust for five hours and saturday five

hours and some day shaking the day oncamera and he seems like a girl but ilnur to ask whatever i can do becausei'm trying to work overtime when you look a whole lot full-time i'm just tootired to work hard too tired to be watching this gets longer than fivehours so started or sunday i'm just like a delicious way to work during the weekbecause and i when you do baby several we can't afford a babysitter i havetrust issues so this look like kind of really don'twant to focus on one of her buns i'm jobless but because i want to focus onmaking things and bringing things heather and this up maybe it look at thecrime

i also was like just afraid you're sonot to say we're not to worry about you all rightthis is just been a shaky chat video that's what this is been shaky check putit was a pili haha vixen


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