kitchen west
>> announcer: lakeline east austin apartmentspresents meet the neighbors, austin, texas. >> kristen: hi, i'm kristen with lakelineeast austin apartments. i'm out on the town meeting my neighbors and today i am right across thestreet at the new h.e.b. plus. and i'm with emily. emily thank you, so much, for takingthe time to be here today. tell us a little bit about this specific location and what kindof sets ya'll apart from the other h.e.b.'s? >> emily: sure, so at this h.e.b. kristen,we actually have a lot of our extended departments inside the store. we have an entertainmentdepartment, we have a texas backyard department.
we also have our cafe, which you can comein and eat, eat lunch, eat dinner. we also have in our beer and wine department we have anassortment of 1400 different wines. >> kristen: my husband and i are obsessedwith one of h.e.b.'s green chili enchilada recipe, it's fantastic. where can residents find morerecipes like this in the store? online? >> emily: i completely agree, delicious. uh,you can go online, they'll have that recipe and many many more. uh, we also haveour cooking connection within the within the store that you can come and chef jeff willcook up any recipe and then he'll, he'll pass
it on to you so you can go cook it at home. youand your husband can enjoy more. uh, we also have our flyers that come out in the mailto the residents in the area. our primo pick flyer and our good news flyer that also has recipeswithin those, as well. >> kristen: now does this specific locationhave any sort of sustainability or green initiatives? >> emily: actually, we we actually have aquite a few. uh, for instance, when we originally built the store we had sky lights put in sowe actually have less lighting. we also have
a lot of organic products sold in our producedepartment. and last, um within our parking lot and i know it's a little bit crowded sometimes.that's for a reason, uh, we we built our parking lot around the existing trees. so,we stay good to the environment and to the community providing those trees within ourparking lot. >> kristen: well thank you, so much, emilyfor taking the time to meet with us today. how can residents find out a little bit more aboutyou guys?
>> emily: they can come in the store and askany of us. again they can also go to where we have a lot of information all throughoutthat website. >> kristen: great, well it's always greatto get out and meet our neighbors and we look forward to seeing you down the road.
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