kitchen wall decor
displaying your collection can be done ina number of different ways i'm mean it isn't a thing that you would choose yourself howto display. but when you define your collection and you decide that you want to go with browntransfer or mulberry showing them in a cupboard in a massive amount or a cluster of the samecolor is very impressive. so for myself i like to display all my mulberry collectiontogether and all my transfer brown together and with that sometimes i display glasswareof the same period. dishes or porcelain of the same period but in the same color rangebut thats completely up to you whatever you decide you can display a teapot with yourcups and saucers together. then other dish wares separately people decide some peoplelike to hang there collections on there wall
plates are a great way to display a collectionand they can choose there collection by the color of there room. if someone has a blueroom and wants to display great use of color would be choosing to collect flow blue orhistorical blue which adds a lot of color to your room. you can do the same thing withmulberry using the black and white on that type of a theme so choosing your colors withyour collection and coordinating them with your houses. is a great way to decorate andcollect and have fun with it there is no set way to decorate your transferware and somepeople choose to use it. if you do choose to use your teapots or your cups or saucersi highly recommend that you don't put them in a dishwasher and wash them by hand carefully,thats one suggestion that i have or using
or transferware.
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