kitchen wall clocks
i would like to discuss our new line of antique clockdials, or clock faces today. if you look closely at these dials you will see that the printingquality is excellent. the designs for each of these clock dials began with an actualantique dials. they were carefully photographed, then reviewed and modified by our art departmentas needed. the smaller 4-1/2 and 6 inch sizes are printedon aluminum. the larger 16 and 22 inch sizes are printed on 1/8 inch hardboard, also calledmasonite. the latest in process color printing technology is used to produce the amazinglevel of detail shown. it’s the best i have ever seen. it’s important to choose clock hands thatwill work well with each different size clock
dial, or clock face. for the 4-1/2 inch dialsuse hands between 1-3/4 and 2 inches. with the 6 inch dials, choose hands between 2-1/2and 2-3/4 of an inch. remember longer hands can normally be trimmed to shorter lengths,depending on the design. if you are using our 16 inch dials then a7 inch pair of hands is just right. with the 22 inch dials a 10 inch pair of hands is good.clock hands in these larger sizes require a more powerful high torque movements, or clockmotors. you won’t find antique dials of this quality,anywhere else in the industry. we just want to help you create your own custom clocksby offering a wide variety of different clock dials. start designing with these new antiqueclock dials today! i am mike brosman.
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