kitchen vocabulary

Paleohacks Cookbooks

hello. are you hungry? you better get to the kitchen."the chicken? the kitchen." chicken -- kitchen. today, i'm going to teach you aboutvocabulary that you will find very useful if you've ever been in a kitchen. now, thething that's confusing sometimes is that when you want to say "kitchen", you say "chicken".oh, no! it's okay. it's funny. i do it all the time. do i do it all the time? it's a verynatural mistake. so if you're ever having a conversation in english, and you say "chicken"instead of "kitchen", don't worry. but we're going to go through some kitchen name is ronnie. let me take you through the magic of the kitchen. the very,very first word that i'm going to teach you is "nuke". "nuke?" "nuke" is a verb,and it's a new word from the 1980s. that's

so new. it's 30 years old. "nuke" is the verbthat we use for a microwave. a microwave maybe came out in 1981; i don't know. i rememberin my house getting one in 1983, and i could make popcorn, and it was amazing. so aboutthe 1980s, we had this amazing thing called a "microwave". you probably know what a "microwave" is.but if you don't, it's like a little oven that cooks your food really, really quickly.we actually developed a new word for this. we call it "nuke". so i can say, "i nuke my food."that means, "i put my food in the microwave." ding, ding, ding! and it's ready to eat. thenext thing that we have is an "oven" or a "stove". now, "oven" and "stove" -- same does not matter if you say "oven" or "stove". who cares? i don't. an "oven" or a"stove" -- properly, the "stove" is actually

a "stove top" where you would put things on topof the stovetop. and the "oven" is actually this part inside where you open the door.inside the oven part, at the bottom here, you can bake a cake for me. i like cheesecake.if you'd like to bake me a cake, please do send it to me at i will behappy to eat it. you can "grill" or "broil". now, "grill" and "broil" are the same. itjust depends on what your oven says. when you "bake" something, the heat comes from thetop and the bottom of the oven, and it's distributed throughout. if you "grill" or"broil" something, the heat comes from the top, and it cooks it on the top of the meator whatever you're cooking. so the "broil" and the "grill" -- the heat comes from the top.and "bake"; the heat comes from the top

and the bottom. so depending on what you'recooking would be the setting on what you're going to use on your oven or your stove.when we bake something, we usually have a certain temperature -- 250 degrees, or youcan have 400 degrees. one is fahrenheit, and one is celsius. most of them have both, butif you don't know on your recipe, you could always look on the internet. it's magic. thenext thing -- speaking about magic -- is a toaster. this is the most magical machineever to be invented in your kitchen. let me explain the magic of the toaster. you takea simple piece of bread. you put it in the toaster; press the button down; you wait."bing!" out comes lovely, warm, crusty toast. this machine, very simply, is called a "toaster".so you put bread into the toaster -- like

magic, it becomes "toast". the nextappliance we have is a "kettle". now, if you like to drink tea or coffee, you'regoing to love to have a kettle. a "kettle" is a machine that boils water. you can haveone on your stovetop, or you can also have one that plugs into the wall. i'm not a verygood artist -- or am i? but if you can kind of use your imagination, these both are called"kettles"; they're used for boiling water. do you like coffee? i love coffee. we alsohave what's called a "coffeemaker". i know. sometimes, english makes sense. guess what this so you press some buttons -- some magic; water turns into coffee. it'slike water into wine but not as nice. better in the morning, though. the next thingthat we have, another big appliance

-- these, by the way, are called "appliances"-- is a "refrigerator". we never bother saying "refrigerator". we say "fridge". and on topof the fridge, we have a "freezer". now, all of it is called a "fridge", but the top partis called a "freezer". a "freezer" is where there's going to be ice, and things in it aregoing to be frozen. frozen. so let's say that you have a delicious frozen dinner, andyou want to nuke it. you're going to put it in the microwave. at the bottompart of your refrigerator is the "fridge". in this, you're going to keepyour beer and your milk and maybe some fruit and vegetables. this keeps things cold.the last one that i have for you today is a "sink". this was difficult for me to draw,so please bear with. a "sink" is the place

in your kitchen where you would wash the dishesif you don't have a dishwasher, and where you would get your water supply. this part hereis also called a "counter" or a "countertop". usually, in the kitchen, people talk abouthaving lots of "counter space". we don't usually say "countertop". we usually say the "counter".now, if you live in some place like canada or any place in the world that has fruit,you might see things flying around in this video. we live in a very, very amazing regionin canada called "ontario". it's the "fruit belt". we produce naturally -- not oranges.don't tell anyone. we are very famous for producing grapes, pears, peaches -- this is a peach.and lots of yummy, delicious fruit. one problem: sometimes you take your deliciousfruit from niagara, and you put it on your

countertop in a bowl. but what happens next is treacherous.these tiny little flies come, and they try to eat your fruit. someone hasleft a basket of peaches around us, so if you see tiny little flies in this video, they'reafter the fruit. these are actually called "fruit flys". so watch out. they're here tosteal your fruit -- except i've spelled this wrong. it's "fruit flies" because they flyaround your fruit. there's one now! bye.


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