kitchen vinyl wrap

Paleohacks Cookbooks

hi welcome the rm wraps my name israndy miller and today i'm gonna be showing you every once while i comeacross people post pictures of the installation of my my door wraps orrefrigerator wraps or matron traps and i can see and they did a great job butevery once in a while i see it's crooked a little bit so the next step of thelevel if they arm wraps i'm trying to make it a little easier for you guys toinstall it so long we're showing you every print i do what we do is customsize to fit your mini fridge refrigerator or drawer wrap so on thisone we're going to talk to you about the refrigerator wrap this is actuallywhat's called a three door icebox and

this is actually the photoshop file whatyou seeing right here the blue lines will not be on there it just tells mewhere exactly the door how big the doors are at so basically the customer gave methe door wrap and it's about eighteen inches by 20 42 and a half inches highso that tells me where exactly where it's at also on this the three dooricebox these top three right here are you can see right here these three arefor the handles okay so on on the door wraps are actually on the mini frenchdoors and also on all the little i'm gonna start adding little markers so thelittle markers i'm going to be going are going to be made for the corners let'ssee how zoomed it is and it's gonna be

i'm gonna have black marks on the top ofthe doors so when you're installing it you go and you you pull the backing downa little bit and you aim for those black markers on the edge of the corners ofthe doors so that's the left side of the door and that's the right side of thedoors so those black markers should be on the corners top corners of the doorsand if they are that means perfect it's perfectly aligned and it'll go straightdown also you'll know what like right here is the top part of the fridge dooras you can see right here so you know what parts the top part and what topsthe sides and everything also like i said every order is custom designed tofit your doors so for instance this

right here this is the bottom part ofthe of the three door frigerator and right here is a top part of the left andright here is a top part of the right so when they install this should be alignedperfectly and this right here and the label will be on top of the doorso when they open the door up they'll see that little label it's a littledetails like this so i'm trying to do is i'm trying to make it easier for youguys to install it and make sure everything is lined up and if you wantto go to the website you're more welcome to you can go to rm wraps comm i put alink down below and for instance if you just go to like refrigerator wraps and iwon't come and get more and more designs

everything let's see where's that herethere's a ice box right there so we knew what you do is when you order you putthe if you want the front front one side or full wrapand see right there it changes the prices and then when you in the notesjust put the measurements of each door so if it's 17 in it for instance theleft door 17 by 42 and a half the same thing and down below is 3 feet by 2 feethigh and you can see some doors are round some doors are kind of flati do give you extra vinyl if you decide to if you size to do that challenge ofthe 3 3 d handles if not you can just keep them unwrapped but yeah if you gotany comments or questions comment down

below you can go to my website and we doa lot of custom designs and we are getting more and more into let's seewhere to set full service so the whole services is basically we buy thefrigerators or main fridges we we design print and install and ship it to you andthat's how to our the videos on that but also we'll make videos before we ship itto you guys other than that we do a mini fridges refrigerators door wraps andanything that you can come up with we can we could try to do so alright thanksfor watching guys and stay tuned i guess some more videos coming up and if youwant to call me in 208-696-1180 you can email me at or youcan visit my site as

thanks now i'll take you on the nextvideo


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