kitchen vignettes

Paleohacks Cookbooks

- [narrator] with carbon dioxide bubbling through his bread mix, fernando must now stop the gas escaping. to do that he alters thechemical structure of the dough by a process called kneading. - i'm not an expert baker at all, but i know the secret to making good bread is getting really sureyou knead it thoroughly. - [narrator] when we kneadbread, we are forcing

two proteins inside theflour gliadin and glutenin to form bonds creating atough new substance gluten. this is where the art ofbread making comes in. if you don't knead enough,then you won't create enough gluten in your loaf, sothe gases will escape, and it won't rise. but get it just right, and the effect on the loaf is magical. as it rises, the volume morethan doubles as the yeast

consume the glucose and blow bubbles inside their gluten home. the bacteria also producessmall amount of lactic acid and with no added sugar the acid gives the loaf the distinctivetang of sour dough bread. baking then seals the air pockets, and thanks to the microbesfrom the mother dough we end up with a carb-richlight, fluffy loaf. - whoa, wow!

- how many is that? - it's about a hundred loaves of bread. perfect. - mm, it's incredible.


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