kitchen hair

Paleohacks Cookbooks

hi there, welcome back to "a kitchen minute." i know, i know, it's been a while--still working off the old question sheet. this question is from karlin shively in ohio. i love your hair. what does your stylist do, as far as a cut goes? my stylist does a find job, but then i wack at it, because i can't leave it alone. i'm a frustrated hairdresser. but, funny that you would ask me because i'm just going to the hairdresser tomorrow, because as i want to get the, do you know what the balayage is, where they lighten all the ends? so, you won't see it on the air for five months, so i'll post some pictures. so, go to the deidre hall fan page on facebook and then you'll see pictures of the couple days. thanksfor joining me.


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