kitchen charm
how's everybody doing today the kingwellto help cure cancer shot before a live audience this programfeatures food it's nutritious desirable and most importantly whencancer treatments cause lost appetites are fatigued easy to prepare cooking doesn't have to be hard on theshots an issue make it seem very fancy but its it can be very easy to do so i think itright up try to present that way to get thatprotein get to make the hosts make the food
the explain ingredients and answerquestions a starter breads main course and dessert offer a patient who mightnormally open at 10 defrost something bad for them or worsenot be too tall easy to make ingredients are easy tofind and it's something that people csto andthink wow it's its not easy it doesn't have to take alot about for and it's going to make me feel better fussy eaters food allergies vegetariansthe program caters to all variations on each dish offeringreplacements for most ingredients
these two patients say both the chef andnutritionist transform their lives she's sneakingeducation into us yet we're hoping we're not looking againand willis name to that education at the same time but it's notlike it's just thrown at us casey already spherein sick you know want anybody to tell you don'tkeep this in bell that don't because you're ready upsetabout everything up time to eat the best part show not everyone tasting here today isa patient or caregiver
some just like the food but it's aimedsquarely at those getting cancer treatment getting new ideas into them almost by stealth they don't want tonecessarily come to programs that's all about the cancer all about the sideeffects they want to come to programs that aregoing to help them move forward with their life improve their quality of life and livewell is cancer treatments improve medical sciences looking beyond clinics and hospital beds andfinding that food
can help people cope with the diseasethat was once literally a death sentence daniel ac aljazeera toronto
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