kitchen catering
welcome back. do you have a child that loves to cook? they can spend their summer with the real thing thing. i am so impressed with this young man, jeremiah, tell us what you're making. right here we are making a
caribbean pineapple baked chicken. and this is the dijon mustard. i am going to put that in now. then it's the jerk seasoning. and you aspire to be a chef one day? yes. when i grow up that's what i
want my career to be is a professional chef. and you have taken how many of these classes? four. and you're telling me your family said jeremiah, i want you to cook. you cook?
i cook breakfast and i love to drill grill. whenever we have cookouts i'm always the man on the grill. tell us about -- while he continues to cook, tell us about this program. oh, what are you doing now? now, i'm just going to add
it to the chicken. he has caramelized the pineapple so it's nice and has a little bit of brown sugar in it. that's going to go into the oven for 20 minutes. then we're going to take the cover off and it's going to
finish in 10 minutes. we prepare all the foods that you see and jeremiah is also going to be doing hot dogs. this is a tailgating class? so you're making pigs in a blanket? right. and what is that?
you just -- a puff pacery. excuse me. are you available now? jeremy? jeremiah? at 12 years old? and what are you doing there?
putting some more of the sauce on top to help seal it. that's the eh -- that's the egg wash. to help seal it? you don't even use the word, debra. he can put sesame seeds or poppy seeds or even onion
flakes. because everything they make in the 2-hour class they get to take home? they take home a full meal for their family. so when do the classes start? the week of the 24th, and we
will start with our italian cooking class. the second class will be tailgating then we will go to soul food and packing your own and making your own lunches. all right. so jeremiah, you taking any more classes or are you
teaching now? i'm still taking classes and trying to see if i can take a class this summer but it's tough because i'm trying to save up for a trip to spain for a cooking school. i want to learn about spanish cuisine i can use to
incorporate into my cooking. incorporate it into your cooking. excuse me! this is a zert that you make for your lunch, is that right and these are the rice crispy treats that you can eat with or
without chocolate. you can dip it in and let it get out and put it back in the pan. until it's set? you can put it in the refrigerator? you can. what other things do you
cook for your family? i like to cook mainly breakfast foods. this monday this mother's day we cooked a lobster tail on the grill me and my dad for mother's day and we like to cook corn, chicken. what are you making on
sunday? i don't know. it depends. if we decide to have me cook then maybe i will cook some ribs and some chicken. and my address is -- [laughter] this is a great program.
classic catering. in owings mills on the campus. weather real quick. sunny today with highs up to 79, 81 on father's day with more sunshine. i am just so impressed with you. i think you need to start your
catering business now. he is going to join us at
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