kitchen 3d designer
you gotta know the product that you'reselling and with times changing, going back to larry and bob, look at thebermico pipe. then the cast iron pipe, thepvc pipe then the polybutyl. it goes right on and on and on, and, because the competitor was now stocking it, we tried to be on top ofthe game to be the first one to stock it because times were changing. and justdidn't throw it in stock and say okay this is the new wave of the future, youhad to understand you, had to know it. because if you couldn't understand thatproduct or what it did, and how it worked, how could you be comfortable togo out and try to sell it to your
customer. and that was the one thing thatwe always always tried to stay on top of, with sales meetings, you know nightlymeetings we always had with product knowledge and stuff. that's what wealways... bob: sending our troops away to school. exactly.
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