cooking w
we are cooking... heheheheheheheheh. *serious face* *zielks* we're uh making sweet buns and we're also gonna cook tux *oh* as dessert the main course
i love dog but not playing with them, eating them don't mess with me or your dog will be gone by tmr morning boys who can cook melk its m i l k not melk chocolate malk
*wheezing laugh* *intense strumming* like you know how i feel why would you say that? * mildly intense strumming * * soft strumming * hahaah * off beat strumming *
sitting here makin cinnamon rolls they're called hot rolls on the box tho *hyena laughter* eating cereal with sami yo tux ???????
yo kirsten's sittin there opening bags trying out blubber fat drinking hot water makin butter cinnamon rolls man couldn't be better
ksdkwsdnfjka do we need this dry yeast? yeah someones got a yeast infection * regular strumming * how many ya'll mom been good she cook that collard green fat back meat cor- why is this built like me? s q u i d w a r d ooooo
* spongebob tune* i just farted... lol * rapes rolling pin * sami *petty cheer to kirsten playin bare necessities * shhhhhhh you have another shirt that i can change into? yea
it's hot nope ???? hey guys so we made slime and this is it.. it's really thick * smack lips * i'm not fat baby boy
im thiiick * deep voice* she thiiiick i will find you i will kill you i will batter you up ha batter heeeeeeeh soooo, if you're wondering what happened
with the... hot buns? hot rolls? uhhhh we burned them and the reason why there's not anymore footage is because it was just like 20 minutes of us actually
doing stuff and not talking it wasn't entertaining but we burned them they were really hard and sad but we ate them
and they taste good they were just a little burnt so that byee ahhhh
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