cooking vinegar
hi and welcome to steve's kitchen today'spopcorn has been a bit of an adventure for me you may have seen the previousvideo where i show the experimental, the thought process that got this salt and vinegar flavoring you can't just put vinegar on to popcornit gets soggy and unpleasant, so i've come up with aflavoring or seasoning that i think is pretty good and close towhat you get on commercial types of popcorn so let meshow you now how we make the seasoning first and thenthe popcorn
now the powder i'm using here is amaltodextrin i find it quite hard to say this is apowder that is a little bit sweet little bit like glucose but a lot lesssweeter and you can find it often health food stores definitely in homebrew stores now come down herebecause i'm going to add a couple tablespoons ofmalto dextrous into a grinder you could do this with amortar and pestle that would be also fine a littleextra work the next
items going to trick us into thinkingthere's vinegar in this and what it is is citric acid now you can also buy this in most bake stores come down here i'm going to add about a tablespoon ofcitric acid in with our sweetener and the last thingis a regular old table salt just a tablespoon of that in there as well now using this coffee grinder i'm just goingto blend this together and get a fine white powder and there you have it we have got our salt and vinegar powder this stuff isabsolutely delicious and perfect
now i would store it in little jar we're not going toto use all this today i made a little bit extra in case you want to use it ata later date so you see how simple that is i think that'sworth a thumbs up just for that that is a fantastic powdernow making the popcorn is even easier just come down here regular sandwich bag from asupermarket and a third of a cup of popping corn we are justgoing to fold the top over twice seal it acrosslike that that pops into the microwave for two and ahalf minutes to 3 minutes wait till
the popping stops then take it out nowwhen the popcorn comes out the microwave like that just whilst it's still hot get all that lovely freshly popped corn into a tupperware you do need a lid onit like this now i'm going to take adessert spoon of slightly salted butter pop it in therewith the hot popcorn pop the lid on and give this a shake, now the reason i'm adding the butter in there is because we tried this it does coatnicely without the butter but it tastes a little bit dry trust me the butteris needed
now it takes a little while so keep shakinguntil it's completely coated but then come down here we've got our butter coated popcorn here we can add our salt and vinegar powdernow i'm going to go with 2 teaspoons and you can experiment all you like withthe levels of the flavoring pop the lid on again and get shaking lets just uncover that now you're getting the right balance not toomuch butter on there and the right amount of seasoninglets give this a try, so there you have a really great replica
of salt and vinegar popcorn i think this isabsolutely great you can experiment with the salt with the seasoning mixtures if you like ita little more salty the butter levels i think are about right, atablespoon of butter into this but again you can play with it as youlike comment down below let me know how you get on with your salt and vinegar popcorn i hope you've enjoyed the video take care i'll see you next time now ihave tinkered with this each time i've made it and it does comeout a little bit different so play with it as i say
i'm going to leave links up here to the fullpopcorn series i hope you've enjoyed it and a link toanother video comment down below take care i'll see you in the next video be good
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