cooking veal
gritty urban saga special episode ofgritty urban saga i mean attempt to show you guys how tocook a recipe of mine that i pretty much just made up this iscomprised of a veal loin chop you're going to need a veal loin chop at least one 1 have 2 here a good tohave them very nice i'm you're also going to need for thisrecipe some form noodles now i've chosen to go with the gritty cheesy skillets here and grittycheesy skillets are very regional though um so you might not be able to find this thisparticular brand
in your region sorry about that if youcant and then also with the gritty butter andherb mashed potato now this is not regional but it's veryseasonal so on by the time you see this videothese are probably out of season so i'm very sorry but i hear there's a verynice this time of year so maybe next year and now i've placed these noodles from gritty cheesy skillets into into a pot and they're soaking they're not soaking for any particularreason just making a video here so
i've placed them in here ahead of time sodon't think that thats part of recipe cuz its not and you're also going to need a big pan okay being that i'm gonna cook two the loin chops i want to i wanna cook them both at the same timeso i don't wanna have to go to a small pan cook one then cook theother one now it's cold on i dont want to do that so just getyourself a big pan and then also you getting enough forfoiled baking sheet foiled as in you put foil on it not as in you ruinedits plans or anything
so thats to keep your lamb chops warm yeah you're going to place this in the oven andput your lamb chops on after the cooks that where you can make your sauce at your own leisure and you'renot in a big rush um also you're going to need some butter gonna need some some doesn't have to be whippedbutter can be standard but it's fine on and also gonnaneed some olive oil i have some organic garlic infused oliveoil and that's not part the recipe you canhave any olive oil im just kinda fancy that way
um so yeah those are the ingredientsthat going to talk to you about right now extracted the the lamb from itspackaging here placed it on a cutting board i've forgot totell you you're going to need a cutting board for this that's right here now and gonna take the gritty butter and herb mashedpotatoes at the packaging here um it comes in a very futuristic package and that what you gonna do a sprinklesome this onto your lamb and then just basically rather than towhere it's it's actually sticking to it and so l will show you with that looks likeyou're right yes getting action angle
here so going sprinkle this onto their each lambchop just going to make sure that it'ssticking press it down you wanna get rid of any areas that are a little bit tocaked because those areas on will not cook the same you want an evencook so spread it out a little bit actually getsome on the sides now with any meat definitely want to washyour hands afterwards
i also washed my hands before because i consider other people when i cook aswell from don't want my germs so definitely do that and make sure you keep separate cookingsurfaces treat all meats like their like theirinfectious treat all meats like there's somethingbad that can happen if you touch it and have something elsecross-contaminate and that's the best way to do things because i've seen actually saw a documentary recently where a
a guy had actually eaten piece of raw meat ingested a little bit blood and then itactually attacked his his system and ended up dying so definitely want to make sure that youdon't don't put raw meats around anything else don'tcross-contaminate alright and then we're gonna turn this over wash my hands quickly here wash my hands quickly here so i can take you guys to the next stepin this process it's okay if it's not completelysticking on there we don't want to
cake this whole thing with it but we definitely want to coat its going to add a lot of good flavorand reason i'm using the gritty butter mashed potatoes here and becausethey're not just the not just regular they have they havesome flavor their herbs things and on and that's gonna add tothe flavor overall overall finished product here i mean youcan probably use regular gritty butter mashed potatoes this just what im using yes there looks pretty goodthere put some on the side as well
people are going to eat the sides alright wash my hands before i touch the camera alright i'm going to the next part gonna add to this pan is about a teaspoon this is how i measure teaspoons so do what you will im gonna melt that to the pan gonna want your pan to be on about 60 to 70percent
of its heat capacity um so we don't want to burn this up we just want to melt it right now also gonna add some for olive oil just kind of want to eyeball it thats at least what i do something should be good for 2 now allow this to melt together naturally seethat but yeah you know how these things too welltogether and it's gonna wanna swirling around
show you how to do that as well you knowthese are innovative camera techniques here okaythis is something that's gonna be talked about for decades i'm sure are im going to coat the whole pan with it you can tell that oil is hot enough inmy and my basically im my learnings here um you want to make sure that the oil is hot enough before you addanything to it and don't things sitting there just
warming through not actually gettingthat carmelization on the outside your looking for so the way you can tell in my expertise the oil is hot enough is that it startsto look like water it starts to flow like water and because i've added butterthis that might actually pull it off a bit once its it's flowing enough to bewatery that's when you know you should beadding your meats alright we'll be there in
alright so i think the heat is where itshould be i've also started this the noodles so they're gonna be boilingpretty soon so we're gonna take our meat our nice veal that we've coated here add that to the pan yeah thats what we want to hear now the secret to a good meat is to leave it onone side don't continuously turn it over and things like that because you're just you just gonna mess things upas far as the caramelization you definitely want to just have a timer
um so on this side i'm gonna leave itfor 3 to 4 minutes maybe a little closer tofive i just like to make sure cooked all theway through and i'm going to turn it once i'm also going to use the the butter andoil that we have in here i'm gonna swirl that around the edges ofthe meat here that way the sides cook as wella lot of people are only cooking the top and bottom and on the sides a little raw so i'm notgoing to do that i'm going to use the
butter and everything swirl it around kinda like the way watercrashes into rocks at at the beach splashes into the into the sides to make sure they cook aswell i don't know how well i'll be able to demonstrate that but let's try it alright so while this is athis is cooking here gonna go to my oven and i'm going toput it on bake i'm also going to put it up to 200 and 25 degrees that way and
me to place these things after they'redone cooking we can place them in our oven and theywill continue to cook through and also stay warm while do the sauce something show youguys how to do here and okay so im gonna show you guys how to do this clear good camera but you see how the im pooling the oil one side the andhere out as i can this around to the otherside i can make sure it hits the sides ofit and sense that oil is so hot on its
actually gonna cook the edges of this the lamb here that's what we'relooking for also because we've got the butter it'sgonna give it such a nice browning the flavors gonna be great as well i'mso that's what i'm talking about when i say falling and hitting the side thesethings when i can move it to the edge come down with actually getting these things on but i wouldn't normally do isn't movingover to the edges but i need two hands
for that and so i i move the the lamb to the side the the side up and that way when oilcomes up it's actually hitting the wholeside at this i'm gonna do that here offcamera and keep in mind that this is not real time like you shouldn't becooking this the times that you see in this video because i'm cooking up forlonger than showing are our noodles are boiling here and on the box for the gritty cheesyskillets here it says that its supposed to be eight to tenminutes that you let it boil
um and simmer so i've just brought it up to aboil and i'm probably a turn down the heat pretty soon here that way we can just continue to cook through and then we're going to at the ingredientsthat it says show you guys how how it do that is thisa little bit different from the recipe on the on the actual gritty cheesyskillets box on so work we're doing our own thinghere show you how to do that k first before we do the the noodles herewe need we need to turn these over so we can if the otherside cooking
now i believe that done on this site sosee if we can do this one-handed without holding the pan see howpossibly dangerous we can be dangers always good in cooking are see here good browing see its a fine art tell you so as you can see left them on one side long enough. the breading that we've concocted here
gritty butter and herb mashed potatoes brown looks greatnot burnt or anything believe 3 4 5 minutes eyeball to see different different meatsdifferent thickness so scan want to give yourself the way there not say okay three minutes look at it still bleeding and stuff like that anyone ikinda press it down because there are crannies things like that that does notget it touched by heat anyway flatten those out the wordeverything even crossfire now we're gonna get
on which turndown service that lights 3d effect that ii did not mention this previously but you're going to needyourself and up met okay silicon other so you can any one ofthese much you just have hand steel and eventhen i don't recommend it i'm so just get yourself an oven mittand we're going to drain these noodles nowtake this over here pour out the excess water then we are going to add some
milk and some seasons this just a momenthere done with this i'll show you that just amoment all right now i do have a strainer by the way but it'ssmall and doing that with one hand is a little bit dangerous so just decided to pour it out that way now ihave a third of a cup of milk here at that and because there's still somewater left in there not i would normally do like a half acup or something i think a third will do well gritty skillet season this
that's a lot of flavor that and also points just stir together and then we are going to add our cheesy sauce cheesy sauce comes out of a pouch here that alright so wehave added the cheesy sauce there and these are done to put those on to our pan and place that up if i can do that with one hand here and here and now don't drain this panuse this in just a moment take this open up
take this pan place it in here leave that in there for the duration ofwhat we're doing so we're gonna add this pot to back to the heat and cook it justlittle bit to thicken all that up so that's what here too hot too place my silicon oven mitt on i really like my oven mitt ha alright now let that heat up while we do that see allthe stuff that's left in this
pan here the butter and olive oil thedrippings from the veal gonna use that when you add a littlebit red wine to that i have some got some cabernet sauvignon at that here so believe i am going to add about a third of a cup here maybe two-thirds of a cup are so instead measuring sounds by eye here the the this reduce it until its a little bit thicker make sure scraped the bottom
all the flavor make its softer better with the actualfeel melded together add a bit more wine and also gonna add a teaspoon teaspoon butter to this well adds to the smoothness makes it more silky definitely going to help you with your presentation here show you that just at the add a teaspoon of butter trust me. this the the butter tonight and alsothis is starting to
simmer a little bit stream starts sturringthat together before we do that we're gonna grab some sage got some gritty sage thats is you know it's it's very hard tofind believe it only grows i certain areas that the the alps orsomething about this research and get back to you yes but anyway so you want to have the gritty sage just sprinklesome other in here that's going to add a earthy and herbal taste to this to the sauce sprinkle someand you don't need a whole lot
dry anything that's dry it's gonna takeless that they think the flavors that look back up here all right now we're gonna start stirringtogether these ingredients over here notorious some to get stuck to thebottom of the pan that's not problem at all that's just the somethingthat happened not paying close enough attention to things on thenot going to effect your flavor too much i'm unless it's actually burnt the bottomand as you can see here it's not really it's just stuck we'll only we'll only be eating the noodles that arentstuck of the answer
gonna put this together i as you can seethat sticking thickening up very nicely looking for what's good cheesy noodles this rights looks pretty close to done and our sauce looks pretty close and three of these of and then the sauce here rinse off my spatula first discuss turnsto get a little bit and then that's done all rights or heat is off our noodles are done and over going totake
they veal outta up in here tried hisone-handed on my oven mitt sup see they've still been cooking in here at2:20 and 225 and they're just really nice looking now this here and our oven mitt back to the wall i have a nice little pin for it
and take these their way to hot to touch extract to here now place one right in the center on central place theoff to the side here because we're gonna be placing some the noodles as well and then we want to should produce butthe on there right now ourselves shaken thats nothing falls on my stove to clear the edges makes it look nicer
you can add salt or pepper taste but i really just think it tastes fine by itself then we're going take our sauce created here scrapes on thistogether spoon scrape some of the good herbs and drippings of this together said its innovative camera techniquesthat were using then we're just gonna put a little bit at this ontoour veal chop here
just about good now you have yourself high-class meal performed in the grittiest of ways so and that's going to give youguys a an outlook on how i make my the veal or lamb chops and enjoy out and by theway i'm not claiming to be a master chefhere this is just a recipe that i've come upwith it's not something that claiming i went to culinary school orthat you guys should cook just like me you're using the best techniques
on this is just my technique so littledisclaimer at the very end here but i hope you guys enjoyed itgritty urban saga
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