pink Cooking, Recipes
- hey dudes, i'm hilah and i'm gonna put the whole world in my mouth. (upbeat music) - globe, jerks not a dick. okay, i've got a package here. it looks like maybe fromczech republic or something. got a super cute little folded up note here withspongebob stickers on it. let's see who this is from.
snacky's from teaganand eric from minnesota. wait a second. okay, okay here we go. we recent went on vacation,oh polish, okay, to poland and picked up some randomsnacks from a warsaw market. to be honest, haven't tried anyof these so hopefully it's fun. cheers, teagan and eric.alright, thanks y'all. we've got some kind ofweird paprika balls. let's try these first.
kulki! they're bell pepper flavored. let's find out. do i have anypolish people out there? let me know what youthink about all these snacks. are these popular in poland? i don't know. never been there. those are good.
little tiny crackers like gosh, you know what they can have the texture of a club cracker. kind of buttery and dense but in these little ball shapes and i thought that they might belike red bell pepper flavored and they are but it's good. there's a little cheesiness anda little sweetness to them, too. those are really tasty. ooh, you know besides justeating, i bet this would be
really good on a soup. (gasps) oh my gosh,look how perfect they are. whoa, oh my god youknow these remind me of? peyote. whoa, that's good. i think there's a littlebit of a coffee flavor. let's see what's inside. (crunches)
mmmm. it's a hazelnut with a really firm sort of chocolate on the outside and then it'srolled in cocoa powder. wow, that's delicious. it's kind of like a little bitnutella, reminiscent of nutella. mmmm, score. these things, thelook like rice crispies. there's a littlerabbit on the front.
is it a chipmunk?a squirrel? whoa, just goingto try to do this. is that weird? vaguely sweet andfruit flavored. oh my god, they'relike fruity pebbles. i'm gonna guess they're rice. they're a little stale maybe or maybe they're supposed to be like that. they're a little soft.
they're not likecrunching like a rice crispy. what are you, isthis just the cereal? do you eat it like cereal? oh, these are super fun to eat. (humming) noppers. there's a fly in here. get out of hereyou son of a bitch. you son of a bitch.
that's me whenever i have a fly in my house. it's very rare sincewe moved to california. there's tons of flies intexas, not so many flies here. thank bejebuzz because it'sreally sucky to shoot a Cooking, Recipes show when there's a fly inyour kitchen, let me tell ya. okay, ooh, this is some kind of wafer with chocolate and vanilla inside it. there we go. mmm.
ooh. oh shit, that's good. whoa. kind of reminds me of a kit kat. it's like a kit kat but with a really thick vanilla cream layer. okay, finally we've got somekind of banana wieners to eat. choco-bananan, i'm guessingthat means chocolate banana. guys, these are pretty adorable.
oh my god. (laughs) okay, they kind of look like animal turds but they smell like bananas so i'm gonna givethen the benefit of the doubt and trust the packaging. they smell like artificialbanana but you get my point. ooh, it's like a banana flavored marshmallow fillingwith chocolate.
it actually really doesn'ttaste like banana at all. kind of tastes like lemon. it smells like banana butit tastes like lemon but it's still pretty good. oh my god, you guys had two cavities last week so you can bet i'm to be going to floss and brush after i finish this. just let that bea lesson to you. oh man, weird, weird,
weird, weird, good, very weird. great package. i love this package. i'm gonna start afire with my hands. alright, thank you so muchteagan and eric for sending me this great box ofstuff from poland. i hope you had a great trip. thank you for watching you guys. i'll, teagan and eric,
i will send you as soon as probably by now. actually probably by the time you see this you'll have gotten it already. thanks so much for watching. don't forget to clickright down there to subscribe. i post new videos every week. Cooking, Recipes, eating, talking,killing flies with my bare hands, maybe in the future. alright, have a great weekendand i'll see you next time.
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