p&g Cooking, Recipes up early detection
it is commonly misunderstood nowadays that the historical estimations made by scaliger regarding the timing of historic events has been confirmed by modern scientific dating methods and this is very important because his estimations are practically taken as verified and proven scientific history so it is worth investigating what this so-called history and is actually based on is it science or assumptions in reality the idea that it is
scientific is very far from the truth and in this video we will review very briefly the methods of carbon dating followed by dendrochronology to explain why this is so carbon dating also known as radiocarbon dating is a method of determining the age of an object containing organic material by using the properties of radiocarbon
which is a radioactive isotope of carbon when an animal or plant dies it stops exchanging carbon with its environment and from that point onwards the amount of radiocarbon that it contains begins to reduce due to radioactive decay measuring the amount of radiocarbon in a sample from a dead plant or animal such as piece of wood or a fragment of bone provides information that can be used to calculate when the animal or plant died so far so good however the speed of this radioactive decay is unknown and determining that speed is not so easy, so the way they did it was
which have died at a time that is considered to be known for sure. and then from that calculate what is the rate of decay of this radiocarbon one of the main events that is being taken into consideration while making these calculations of decay rate is the eruption of the volcano near pompeii which buried the entire city along with its residents under a thick layer of ashes good, however the date when that happened was not really known for sure but was taken from this scaligarian timeline itself. it does not confirm it it is taken from it to start with you will find interesting information pointing out the fact that actually pompeii
most likely was buried just a few short hundred years ago more information on this topic will be covered in future episodes on the roman empire. well besides being based on the unknown factor that is the rate of decay of radiocarbon. to add to everything else, the laboratory equipment required for this method of testing is extremely sophisticated and according to the opinion of the modern scientists themselves it gives absolutely inaccurate results very often actually to test a single piece
the proper way to do it is to have it four or five laboratories do it absolutely independently and then to publish the results in terms of a range because we always get the results in terms of one suggested time however the laboratories themselves do give a very wide range of time, but we do not get that information we get what some so called historian interprets that time range to be. this documentary about the survivors of atlantis will concentrate upon the last couple of thousand years mainly, and since according to mainstream science itself, carbon dating gives
normally an inaccuracy range of some two thousand years, that practically means it is absolutely inapplicable to the recent history anyway. another problem with carbon dating is selectively taking sample so which means that for example a piece of bone is found near a building and it's used to find out the date of the building actually it is absolutely possible that the animal to whom this bone belong lived in a completely different time period and not at the time when the given building was actually built now a few words about dendrochronology, or , informally known as tree ring dating.the idea behind this is that
every year the trees form rings and they are very particular changing according to the different climatic conditions different rings form however by different kinds of trees and even the same kind of tree can be different if located in different areas and that is why to use this method to date a wooden object, we must be sure the wood has come from this very same area and that it is exactly the same type as the one that this scientist has
the chart for.and now about these charts, for example we have a hundred year old cherry tree to continue the chart further in time. we'll need to find another one that is 150 years old so some of the rings will be matching and in this way we can continue the graph 50 years further back in time then we'll need another cherry tree which was slightly older than the one we have so some of the rings overlap and so on and so on what you see now is an actual dendrochronology
graph it contains many white spots if the features few kind of trees and since they all must come from the same area these paths are very difficult to make and because they are broken they are not continuous at the end. we can see that dendrochronology is becoming very subjective method of dating and it can be really used in very rare cases because the sample that is required must be big enough and often when the builders in ancient time would use wooden [locks] they will actually chop off a lot of rings on the side to make a beam and
that will make the dating very very inaccurate because who also when was the tree alive? when did they cut it when did they use it when did they reuse it so to summarise? tree ring dating is absolutely reliable and genuine scientific dating method however its application is extremely limited limited to the point that it practically has no value in confirming this scaligarian version of history as genuine because all the white gaps between the black lines on this chart signify unknown period then these unknown gaps are adjusted in such a way that they will fit the scaligeri inversion of history and again, we cannot say that they confirm
it simply because they are based on it again a great number of modern historic dating methods appeared in the recent years they are sophisticated and very scientifically sounding names alone create the impression that man you learn it man. have worked on this in reality they are all either derived from carbon dating or they're simply a variety of carbon dating and that is why and they all suffer from the fundamental problem of carbon dating it is all based on unknown parameter the speed of decay of carbon
now i would like to take a brief lead to that point back in time when the fraudulent [skala] [garyun] history was imposed upon humanity with military power those were very turbulent times for europe the royal dynasties were changing one after another for example in england the tudors were placed by the stewards france the throne was taken by the bull bonds in russia the traditional ludic dynasty was replaced by the romanovs, whoever did not have any right to be on the throne on the background focus events were orchestrated by the parasites who were applying the method?
divide and conquer by that time they managed to successfully lower the consciousness of the human race to the point that there was no need to kill them anymore the people started killing each other the actual intention and events of the reformation and not the ones who hear about the day they are distorted and the proof of that is the very inconsistent story that we hear nowadays we are being told that the main reason for the walk of the people with the unlimited power of the roman catholic church [well] as far as the pope's being unpopular that is absolutely true however as far as any actual ruling power is concerned
they didn't seem to have a match of that at this point of time in spain in the 15th century even before the reformation period started the authority over the inquisition was handed over to the king in year 1515 the [french] [king] was victorious in a battle against the allied forces of the [poles] and switzerland the french king had the full right to appoint the clergy and to manage its finances in more simple terms he had full control over it from that time on even the pope himself
was obliged to consult the french king? even when taking decisions concerning his own domain and even the official version of history agrees with the fact i just told you moreover they tell us that at that time the clergy were act as rich as beggars often they had to sell cattle to have something to eat so all this talk of the unlimited the power of the [pope] is just baloney because at this point even according to the official history. he did not have a much social influence or
any other as well as a matter of fact since the first official reason for the reformation is no book? let's see if the others will make more sense martin [luther] he is considered to be a seminal figure in the reformation process so he taught christianity should be nearer to the simple [fox] and he translated the bible from latin to understandable german language and also he convinced the people and that there should [be] no images in the churches no statues of the saints also there should be no organ music during church [services] and also a ringing of the church bells so we are offered to believe that because of not liking organ music or
church bells during service the result was complete devastation of entire regions famine and disease wiping out most of the population of entire countries war bankrupting most of the combatant powers severe hardship on the inhabitants of occupied territories and one of the longest most destructive series of wars in european history lasting for thirty years [and] do you believe that?
people did all this because [of] the style of music being played in the churches but let's get back to the list of official reasons for that information the next one is that people felt nostalgic for the old and pure form of christianity they wanted to reinstitute it again. that is one beautiful and elegant intellectual concept however intellectuals write books and envision educational projects while those who care not for books go to [the] battlefield when a peasant upheaval peasant revolt in germany started the very founder of
the protestant movement martin luther did not support it gives himself preaching that the peasant should always under all circumstances are they their masters and here is a confirmation of his views in action? taken again all from the mainstream history he ordered the governess at that time to kill the peasants who were revolting quote like dogs that are sick of rebus
the more we read the more we understand that it wasn't martin luther who caused this most bloody series of war it wasn't the church music either or the statues of saints in the churches since the [revolution] for these most bloody [wars] is very uncomfortable for the fabricated history mainstream historians are trying to invent all kinds of artificial reasons for it and one of it is a real masterpiece of human stupidity [this] is how some modern historians are trying to explain the bloody conflict between chess and germans during the reformation too much?
masculine energy was boiling in their veins and they had no outlet of this energy i think this is a masterpiece of concoction by the time this particular conflict was over the population of czech republic had decreased few times and then there him to stop boiling, and that's why they stopped fighting information was a very long and very bloody war it was a purely political event why are modern historians trying to present it to us as some sort of intellectual dream about organ music and statues in the temples the reason the actual reason is that all this war was about? the parasites trying to break into pieces the [empire] of the
descendants of the survivors and then destroy these pieces one by one the parasites want the war but they wanted to get sure that the empire and the [knowledge] of the survivors will be never resurrected and for that they decided to fabricate fraudulent history, and in that rodent history they did not even mention the very existence of the empire the rest of this documentary will be about the empire of the descendants of the [survivors] who kept the history about them alive? they remembered who they are and they had still a
great [deal] of the knowledge that survived you
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