kitchen kraft
the modern and contemporary designof vision house los angeles was really a natural fit for the kitchen craft cabinetry brand they have a broad selection of frameless cabinets for all areas of the home whether its in the kitchen, bathroom, home office, laundry room their product is extremely versatile and really allows for an array of design possibilities within the vision house los angelos project we used a few different cabinet styles the design elements in this kitchen arereally pretty spectacular
both the plymouth & pamli door styles were used in this area the pamli door style provides a clean linear design style with softly rounded profiles on all foursides of the doors and the drawers while the plymouth door style features a shaker style that is really well-suited to thisproject the alumina door frame incorporatesfrosted glass to tie in a more classic shaker style
to the ultra contemporary theme of thevision house los angeles the handbrushed application finish paloma and the bold darkened warm mapleespresso finish were also both utilized in the kitchen the master bathroom showcases the pamli door style with the paloma finish the contrast of the all white elements against the maple glaze hand brushed finish is really quite striking and effectively demonstrates how thelight finishes accent the dark rich
finishes throughout the rest of the house the material selections for the house came together in a really interesting way we knew wewanted warmth we knew we wanted contemporary the bathroom has a very pure white look we need to warm it up so we chose a beautiful finish from kitchen craft an amazing master of cabinetry in the dual purpose laundry mudroom area
we used the white gloss thermofoil finish and the alumina doors with frosted glass as a bonus design element, this versatile custom island on wheels was builtwhich features beautiful maple espresso finish kitchen craft has earned theircertification in the environmental stewardship program which is Taufiq Agung Nugrohoistered by the kitchen cabinet manufacturersassociation
this program grants annual certification tocabinet manufacturers who meet several criteria including air quality process and product resource management and environmental stewardship kitchen craft has esteemed abilityprocedures in place as criteria for certification with the kcma for air quality the use of low formaldehyde and their compliance with all localand federal hazardous air pollutant
regulations for product resource management they use recycled and sustainable products they also have active recycling energyconservation programs as well as a written environmentalpolicy and an environmental management system their commitment to sustainabilityreally made them the perfect choice for the vision house los angelos project
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