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- today, insane deals, crazy insight, bloopersand uncut granite. hi, i'm the youtube deal guy, matt granite. for those of you that are subscribed or haveseen this face before, you're probably aware that i upload huge deals right here everyday to save you money. and we get them and we test them, we do 'emquick, we've got lots of special guests, but the problem is i'm usually facing time constraints. i get it, many of you are sitting at yourdesk and you have errands and you don't wanna watch 15 minutes of this. i would never wanna watch 15 minutes of this,trust me.

but right now in this special edition of thedeal guy uncut, more deals, more freebies and we get a little more in depth on the dealsthat were the most popular. we're gonna answer your questions. the great questions are gonna be rewardedwith gift cards. we have another giveaway. we've never before seen bloopers. i know a lot of you think that i'm alwaysso professional, nothing would ever go wrong. don't worry, a lot goes wrong and we're gonnashow that to you. but before we get to all of that, i also havean announcement tied to a brand new ipad air

2 giveaway for a subscriber. and of course watch for this in this video,i promise this is just one other great way you can benefit today. i also want to showcase upcoming deal dropswithin the next eight days. and on the high-end audio front, what i justfinished with intern amy, these really cool bamboo stereo systems. there'll also be a huge price drop. don't buy christmas lights right now. your best bets drop in about 20 days.

those track and find systems to locate everything,i'm still looking for my dignity. this is an upcoming deal right here. and for those of you that are looking formany of the tv and apple-related doorbusters, don't get too excited. those drop right before black friday comingin as the second most requested gift, as well as wireless headphones, which i have dealson right now. and drones, well i did feature some reallyawesome small drones, which you can get a deal on by clicking this video window. the larger scale drones drop right beforethe holidays, and we're talking major mega

savings, which i'll have. in this video, i'll also answer all of yourquestions about october's most popular deals that sold out that i'm bringing back, includingwhat happens and a new demonstration where we put intern kody into a suitcase and throwit off the table. we have a cushion that could possibly changeyour life, if not at least parts of your body, with special guest dr. derek wayne and a littlebit of insight, one of my favorite moms on the dyson deal that so many of you had questionsof, and yes we did find more stock; and maybe another special face or two. one of the most popular deals from last monthinvolves an unlocked smartphone, which i just

got another question about, for $99.99. now this prime phone, meaning it is subsidizedby amazon prime, includes an unlocked version with just one little drawback, which is youget a small ad on your lock screen. now we gave you the speed test, this phonein particular actually beat the iphone 6s in product tests. and it is backed by motorola, which is nowmade by lenovo, which has amazon software on it, accelerated or at least optimized forthis particular phone, which is water-resistant, has better battery life than anything we testedit against, which does not explode! and the question that just came in from setis how can he convince his nine-year-old daughter

that it's as cool as an iphone? here's my opinion on the iphone. if money is no object and you have 700 toa thousand dollars to spend on a phone, good for you! but i think this is our chance to take a stanceagainst all of the manufacturers who think it's okay to charge that much for a phonethat cost them one fraction of to build. they mark it up, we keep buying it, we keepoverpaying for our monthly plans. in my mind, that's not cool. so perhaps a little bit difficult for a nine-year-oldto grasp but something that you could impart

at some point. it's cool to save money, it's cool to getall of the same features of an iphone at a fraction of the price, and it's cool to havea phone that is basically the cost of the service plan on an iphone that can hold itsown against it. and it's cool to have a phone where you cango like that and not care to the same extent, where you need to take out a new mortgageon your home. our second question for uncut granite comesfrom dan hollywood. now dan has been one of the longtime subscribersof this channel and awesome, and i think you've asked a question that a lot of us can benefitfrom, which is when will there be another

deal on fire tv, or the fire tv box and firetv sticks that all drop right before black friday through cyber monday. this is an amazon product, and i will tellyou that amazon, unlike apple actually, completely embraces black friday. that includes echo and many of the other itemsthat i know you are desperate to save money on. i will have those items, just make sure yousubscribe to this channel and you will get those deals before anyone else in the country. great question.

you get a free $25, just email support, which you can now put your amazon giftcard toward the fire tv whenthat drop occurs. the dyson deal that i featured back in october,which sold out very quickly, and don't worry i found more stock which you can browse throughlocated right under this video screen, launched a lot of really good questions. now the question that came in from nancy gis how much time do you really get out of the dyson? as i will have my stopwatch going, we're justgonna leave this running for 15 minutes so you can find out how much time.

but it's usually between 10 and 20 minutesdepending on what you're sucking and what mode it's on. so i'm gonna be back right here as soon asthis thing dies. yep, finally dead. i'm gonna stop the stopwatch at 17 minutes,47 seconds of me using this at max. now obviously the performance will vary. ooh, my hands are all tired. it could be closer to 11 minutes if you arecleaning up the mess of a lifetime, or you have a lot of pets or you have a lot of kids.

but based on me just lying here on a tableand casually holding down the suction button, as i'm sure many of you would do on a nicesunday afternoon, that is the amount of time you get out of the battery. i mentioned one of the special things aboutthis uncut show is that all of the familiar faces and our most famous faces from the channelcome back to answer questions. this beautiful woman beside me, the deal guymom tester, christie, first of all, you have such a following. - oh thank you! - so for those of you watching, we broughther back.

it was a month ago when you featured this. i sent two in the mail and i said i need youto test something. i wanna know if this is worth the hype. - i absolutely loved it. it gets the hair off my stairs from the dogs,the french fries that we don't wanna talk about in my car. - yeah. - oh, it gets everything, the dust, everything. off my couch, off the windows sills, i absolutelylove it.

- a lot of you had questions about the accessoriestied to this. so this deal, first of all, which i broughtback the exact same price, thank goodness, located right under this video screen, butyou were using this attachment. it does come with other attachments. i think that's where a lot of people werewondering how do you use this, what do you rely upon those? - i actually like this one. this, with the angle, it gets in the creasesof the couch. - yes.

- if i hold it this way, it'd get all thehair off the couch and you can get the dust in the window sills and get the bugs, andit reaches my french fries. - in our preparation for the price drops andall the items we test, there are some things that go on in the studio when the camerasare rolling that get edited out every week. and based on all of the requests you've madefor bloopers, i proudly present all of the recent deal guy mess-ups. - thanks, matt. - yeah, and this also has motion detects540. - [voiceover] your tongue's blue.

- oh yeah, sorry. gatorade. - casey's tongue is totally blue right now. - i drank gatorade. - show them, it's so funny. i just noticed that in our screen. there you are, that's fun. - this speaker has amazing sound quality. - [voiceover] every freaking time!

รข™« baby, this what you get - yes, you won! - you won! - you won, you won, you won! oh sorry, that really got stuck again butit's so much fun. - don't forget to comment, i love hearingfrom you guys. - what did you lose the point for? - too tight of a right turn? - that's not even a thing.

- i know. - [kody] i got a hundred. - good for you, kody. - no one asked. - that's why you're not in this video. - [kody] i'm sorry. - today? - best drone deals. - with stability control.

and these really are amazing. sorry it got away. - so here i have this awesome gadget. it's a usb. the set up for it is super easy. all you do is just plug it into your... - [matt] stop, why do you-- - i started laughing because i can't-- - pretty much every saturday night, you canwatch pretty much every saturday night, i

can't say it. today? - pocket torch price. - pocket torch prop. - kody? - great doctor. - yes, yes. we are also giving the... - [kody] okay, okay, i'm sorry.

- awesome. - boomen. - your face, awesome. booming. - so display wise, it's super clear. - oh, i don't have a shut up. it was horrible. it's the atmosphere in here and my mind went,i'm sorry. - we're done.

now one thing we aren't joking about is howmuch money i save you right here every day. and also all of the incredible giveaways. in my hands right now, for those of you thataren't aware of this yet, i am giving away another free ipad air 2 to a subscriber whohas their notifications turned on so you can hear the giveaway and only requiring one littlestep for this. and yes, this is totally to benefit me. we have a brand new holiday survey. and by benefit me, i mean you answer a coupleof quick questions and i am proof. and the link is located right under the videoscreen.

if you haven't done it yet, and don't worryit's only one entry per person, you are drastically increasing your chances for this free ipadair 2. this will be given away in the coming weeksand we'll make sure all subscribers are notified. one of the other huge deals i featured thispast october that sold out really quickly was a seat cushion that could change yourlife. and by change your life, improve your life,improve your back, your health, your spine, benefit you in more ways than you ever thoughtpossible. i am bringing it back, get it back, yeah youare, today. i'm also bringing back one of my favoritepeople in the world, dr. derek.

love this man! welcome back. - you're bringing sexy back too. - where? tell it? - outward, to the camera. - i like that. as we embrace, how's my back first of all? i've been using this thing.

- it looks great, i like the look of yourback. something like this could take a lot of pressureoff your back. easy to use, you just sit on it, it keepsyour abs strong and it keeps your hips at the right angle to make sure that you havepressure off the back. kody, you know that, you were in a car accident. - yeah, three years ago i was hit head-oncollision with a drunk driver and messed up my back. i have like a back of a 50-year-old rightnow. - you can see that something like this keepshim upright, improves his posture immediately.

it also tightens his abs. these are terrible seats to be using thison, but even still you have support when you use this mat, and you're gonna have less backpain. - you do wanna grab this deal which is idealfor tailgating, office use, vehicle, stadium with that lifetime warranty. it's machine washable. it really does everything and more that doctorderek alluded to. i've created a new link to this deal locatedright under this video screen for under 20 bucks.

that's backed by demand, where i am also placinga 10-year warranty luggage set that also sold out last month. and we've got a really cool new demo. basically, i'm gonna throw kody back intoa suitcase, but just to show you how protective these are at the 70% off msrp with color choicesalso located under this video screen. enter kody, come on in. oh look at you, look at that strength. good job, kody. oh look at you, you're as delicate with theseas the baggage handlers.

- because you can! we can do this! it doesn't even matter. good job, kody, there goes our $92 set, butthat's why were prepared for this. - yes we are. - kody, people loved it. first of all, people love you. just show them that. - thank you.

- look at that handsome man right there. you have not only had a chance to test this,which everyone saw, you got in the luggage which we are gonna do in slow motion today. how did this suitcase work for you upon arrival? how are things different? it was nice because it didn't look like mystuff went through a hurricane at all. - and you can fit a lot in here. as i mentioned, you can fit kody's entirebody. and i'm not sick of practicing how we getan intern into a suitcase.

- [kody] let's try it. - so we're gonna put kody back into the suitcaseright now just to remind you that you really can accommodate a lot of stuff. and again, don't try this at home. this is not recommended. if you have kids, skip this part of the video. - or you can if you wanna break your back. - so kody, oh you have your shoes on thistime because that's great. excellent job, kody.

now this particular suitcase, which is partof a 70% off luggage set, i am gonna show you just how protective it is. don't worry, we have a doctor on set. kody, you need to suck in a little bit. - [kody] i'm sorry! - you're good, you're good, you're good. all right, so we're gonna just do this upa little bit. and then i gonna show you more importantlyhow protective this suitcase is. and of course, kody is such an important partof the channel, i would never do anything

to actually risk him. but we have practiced this with my body severaltimes and it's been completely fine. so we're gonna push kody off the table. one, two, three! okay. looks like a little air room here. - [kody] ya think? - seriously. we love him and i will make sure that he isin relatively good working order for our upcoming deal test.

i love this guy, seriously. before we say goodbye, right here with thenext upload we'll be back to that regular format you know, two or three minutes i'mgonna save you more money than anyone else in the country, and the deals are all rightaround the corner. the black friday doorbusters. if you're subscribed, you're gonna get everymajor deal early so you don't have to ruin thanksgiving. and kody! say goodbye, kody.

thank you so much for watching. - bye everyone.


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