kitchen junk drawer

Paleohacks Cookbooks

<> lawrence sanchez: the production kitchen isthe main core of the student union here because all of this, this main production kitchenprovides all the service for all of the nineteen restaurants we have in house. we have plentyof new equipment in here… not new equipment, but unique equipment that a lot of other peoplemay never ever get to see in their lifetime because, you know, home Cooking, Recipes equipmentis totally different than an industrial facility that we do such a mass of Cooking, Recipes here. we’ll put this rack in. now these racks can hold up to, i don’tknow, like sixty sheet pans of product. and

if you see, once it starts it actually liftsup the cart and it starts to rotate and it’ll rotate 360 degrees the whole time it’s baking.that way you get this even flow from all sides of the items you’re baking in here. like i said, these rationals are unique itemsto the restaurant industry they can become a baking oven to bake, not only that now theyconverted them into… you can use it as a steamer and deep fry. food comes out niceand crispy without ever using oil. we can go down to our computers and go tothe rational website and, like i said, there are chefs around the world who are using theseunits developing new recipes, new methods of using these where you can put a zip driveinto your computer and download their programs.

you could put chicken on the bottom, roastbeef and stuff like that and each one will bake at different temperatures. this is called a buffalo chopper and whatit does here, the blade is turning inside as the bowl is rotating, so it’s circulatingthe meat so it just doesn’t stay in one place. so the operation is… it’s big. if peoplecome in for the first time it seems overwhelming. you have to have a passion in this businessto enjoy it and that’s why i think a lot of our staff here really, really enjoy whatthey’re doing, really have a good passion for what they’re doing. and you see it inthe food; you see it in the quality of the

food and the pride that they take when theymake it and stuff. and that’s what i think for our customers, quality is number one forus and their satisfaction and repeat customers are always welcomed back. so that’s a goodthing.


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