kitchen jokes

Paleohacks Cookbooks

trollsnews todayonision is bullshitting don't call me slut good evening and welcome to another episodeof trollsnews, show that brings you all the important information about trolls or justa random drama on the internet. first report of today was brought to you byallienceofdemons and it is about onision drama. as you probably know onision is very wellknown for making up bullshits and creating drama after drama. in his latest video he'sclaiming that his fiance that is sitting on his knees has sepsis and he won't be makingvideos for few days to spend a time with her before she'll go to hospital. which is a greatidea, because if she would have sepsis by

every hour she wouldn't be treated mortarityrate goes up by 7%, so at the time of making this video we can be fairly certain she'sdead. which opens three possibilities, either he'sbullshitting us with the most idiotic story, or he's just that stupid, or and that is themost likely scenario he's that stupid and he's bullshitting us. it is obvious that thiswas meant to be just another public stunt to get views and subscribers, but that doesn'tseem to be working, because onision is loosing subscribers every hour. it's nice to see thatone time making bullshit stories is actually bad thing on youtube. the next video was sent to us by musicofkengand it is hopefuly a trolling video made by

rosierocksxox, in this video she says howit is not fair that she's being called slut just because she enjoys sex and she likeswhen she's getting free shit and when people buys her things. she's pretending to cry intocamera, but it's an obvious laughting crying. she also says that no one would buy me stuffand i'm ugly, well not me specifically i'm beautiful but viewer of the video. further in comments she's prettending thatshe doesn't understand woman in kitchen jokes and she doesn't get obvious innuendos. onthe scale of slut trolling i would give her four of five disembodied boobs, especiallybecause i appreciate the irony of saying "stop calling me a slut" and naming video "slutand proud".

that's all for this evening, stay tune formore trollsnews, please subscribe like and comment this video and please message me ifyou see a troll worth reporting or interesting youtube drama. my name is vol jang and that is steve, staysafe under the youtube bridge.


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