kitchen 320
okay, so for this mocktail, we’re goingto start off, we’re, we’re going to follow the, the, i mean the same principles thatyou would to be making any sort of cocktail or any sort of drink. so what we want to startoff with our simple syrup, simple syrup is something that is used in most cold drinksespecially because it dissolves a lot easier, so we’re going to make our simple syrupwith honey, usually simple syrup is just sugar and water, we want to use honey for what if, what would happen if i were to put just regular honey directly into my coldcocktail and try to stir it through. globs of honey? yeah, it’s not going to work,it’s going to sink to the bottom, it’s not going to dissolve well, the first 90%of your drink is going to taste bland and
then you’re going to get this really bigsweet punch at the end. so that’s why we’re going to make the simple syrup. nobody likesto get punched at the end. no one likes to get punched, even a sweet punch. so what we’regoing to do is, we’re going to add a little bit of honey, this is a quick way to, to doa simple syrup, most simple syrups are done, stove top, you can put the exact same ingredientsinto a small pot, bring it to a simmer and let it, and let it sort of heat like verygently for about 10 minutes, this is going to be a much quicker way that we’re doing,i’m choosing a mason jar, so a little bit of honey in there, whatever flavours i wantto infuse in this simple syrup, so it could just be you know the peel of an orange ora lemon or today we’re going to get a little
crazy and it’s thanksgiving soon so we’regoing to use rosemary which, it does work well in drinks. it actually has a really nicerefreshing note to it. so we’re going to add some peel of our little clementine here,i’m going to add a few pieces of rosemary, if i want it just a little light on the rosemary,just add a few pieces. could you use dry rosemary and would it work as well? yeah, yeah, youcan definitely use dry, dry rosemary, dry rosemary has a, a little bit more of an intenseflavour so i’d probably use less than like three stems, i’d probably use maybe a tablespoonof dry rosemary. so that’s going to go in there and then for whatever amount of honeythat i’m using, so if i’m using half a cup of honey, i’m going to use half theamount of water. so i’ve got some boiling
water, so we’re going to add about a quartercup or so. it’s almost like we’re making a really sweet tea. i would not suggest drinkingthat straight up. don’t drink that, yeah. giving people ideas so, and this works againlike i said, with any sort of flavours, so lid on top, we’ve got our honey, we’vegot our hot water and we’re just going to give it a shake and what we want to do isjust get that honey to dissolve into the water. so you’re forcing that glob to dissipateinto the water. exactly. so it will mix with your drink. yeah, so we have a, a very muchthinner sort of sweetener that dissolves a lot easier in cold drinks. the longer youlet this steep, obviously the more flavour you’re going to get out of the rosemaryor whatever you put in it, so you’re going
to let this chill and this’ll keep in thefridge you know for a couple weeks no problem and the longer, again, the longer it sits,the more flavour you have and so this is what we have, i made a lot more obviously but,it’s a lot thinner than your honey, it’s going to dissolve well and the rosemary in,in here is fantastic, really really nice. so we have our simple syrup, really simplethat’s why it’s called simple syrup. now for the cocktail. mocktail! we use a lot ofmason jars i realized, in this class, you don’t have to use that, you can use anysort of wide mouth glass, would be, would work really well, so cranberries, delicious,these are fresh cranberries, you can use frozen, about a quarter cup, that one’s gone. cranberriesare one of the most well studied foods in
terms of you know, their antioxidant potential.and then you’re going to mash it all up which is what i’m doing here. doing somemuddling. this, this is called muddling, now i have a, a muddler, that’s what this iscalled, it looks like a wooden spoon, so you can definitely use anything that will crushthese cranberries and blackberries for you. any sort of berries will work well, the reasoni just didn’t use the cranberries is because fresh, it’s hard to get that moisture andthat juice out of it, you will and the more you crush it, you’ll get more of that moisture,these tend to need to be cooked down a little bit to really make that juice or get thatsauce so that’s why i’ve added another berry in there just to help it. and we wantto just crush it up as much as possible almost
like we’re making a jam now if i were touse any fresh herbs in here so, rosemary but what are some other fresh herbs that you seein cocktails like a lot. mint. mint. yes, mint, one of my favourite mocktails, the mojitoand the problem that i see with some people is when they put their mint and they’redoing their muddling is they bruise the heck out of the herb now what happens when youbruise herbs like i talked before, talked about before? it gets slimy. it’s bitter,it gets bitter, mint has a beautiful flavour, fresh on its own, when you start smashingit to death it becomes bruised, it doesn’t look good and it becomes bitter. so if i wereto add any herbs to this or if i’m making any other sort of drink, or sort of mocktail,bruise them a little bit but just don’t
kill them, like i would probably add themright at the end, give it a couple crushes and that’ll be good to go. so, bashed upour berries pretty good, we’re going to add a little bit of juice from our mandarinor orange here, any orange will work and about four, i think about four tablespoons, rightinside, so i can mix that up a little bit. and then we’re going to put some ice inthis, so you want to make sure that if you’re doing this, do it in a, in a vessel that youcan close after like put a lid on top. you’re going to shake it up? shake it up; i’m goingto just add a little bit more mandarin just because that one was really dry. so this onehas a lid if you have like the classic cocktail shakers, you’ll have another kind of glass,they’re almost like two glasses that you’ll
put on top of each other. alright so the juiceof the mandarin, now the, i mean the key to making a really good drink, a really flavourfuldrink is using very fresh ingredients, you know if i’m using like orange juice outof a bottle, it’s not going to taste as good, you want like fresh, fresh citrus, freshberries work really well. christy, i’m going to let you shake this up. woo hoo! i, it’llslip out of my hand probably. so just shake it up, get all those flavours together, byadding the ice what you’re doing is you’re super chilling it as well. and you get somemeltage which is good, so you end up getting some water in there, diluting it a, just alittle. actually open it up for one second, i brought the syrup. to add our special this is our rosemary simple syrup. and
rosemary in plant and animal studies, it’sbeen shown to help slow down tumor growth so it may have some cancer fighting benefitsin people but we need some more research to know also it may help to improve if you’re serving it to somebody like christy, christy, you want to, you want toclass it up a little bit so get your, your. i will not drink out of this mason jar. yourfancy champagne flute. i, i however. a girl has to have standards. i’m going to classit down and i’m going to put the mason jar. this is the man version, for some reason mendon’t like drinking out of these tall champagne flutes. i’m just very klutzy, this wouldfall out of my hands in about two minutes. so now we’re going to strain it actually,because we, we don’t want all those chunks,
we want to make this. i like to chew on mydrinks. nice and delicate, oh i’ve never done this in the champagne flute; this isgoing to be tough. so very gentle. you can strain it into a pitcher or something andthen serve it. yeah, yeah that would be a lot easier. in hindsight. but we’re goingto make this difficult. okay that’s all you get sorry, the mason jar is going to bea lot easier. that’s what i’m saying. yeah do this in a, in a much larger bowl,that would be much easier. i want the actual berries though. yeah, we’re going to, we’regoing to put some berries in there. okay good. but there’s tons of juice in here, takeyour time. so you just squish it out? yeah, squish it out, make sure you get most of it,i’m going to speed this up but take your
time, there’s tons of juice, you don’twant to lose any of that. and then, let’s clean it up, to make it sparkling. ooh, it’salways good to add a little sparkle to your mocktails and give it that champagne feeling,nice and refreshing. we’ll add just a little bit of carbonated sparkling water on top andwe don’t want this, you know too sweet so balance it out with the carbonated water tomake sure it’s, it’s to your liking and that’s it. garnish it, a little rosemaryfor me, a blackberry and a couple cranberries for christy. beautiful, cheers!
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