kitchen 247

Paleohacks Cookbooks

so on to our last recipe. we didn't want to leave without doing some deserts, somethinga little sweeter. we have a really nice recipe for applesauce spiced muffins and this isfrom marilyn. delicious recipe, really, really simple. we are going to start off with thedry ingredients. so we are using just unbleached all-purpose flour, you can use spelt flour,you can use red fife flour, just remember there is more fiber in that flour so you mighthave to add a little bit more liquid to this recipe. so flour is going to go in one cupnot much and you are going to see this is not your traditional muffin you get a coffeeshop. marylyn l. as her name is she has really maximized the nutrition and taken out someof the saturated and trans-fats you would

find in the traditional muffins. so we havewheat germ, that's going to go in. great source of vitamin e which is an antioxidant. nowwe have 3 ingredients here: chia seeds which i showed you in the class, hemp seed and wehave some ground flax seed. now you can use all 3 if you want or if you just have oneon hand just chose one. so half a cup of a combination of the 3 of these is good. sodon't feel like you have to go out and buy a bag of every single one because it can geta little bit expensive, use what you have. they are all going to work in a similar wayand their nutritional profile is similar as well. they all are good sources of fiber andthey contain omega 3 fatty acids which are a type of fatty acid most of us don't getenough of in our diet and they are important

to get because they help to reduce inflammationand inflammation is associated with chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer andheart disease. so trying to get more omega 3s helps to put that inflammation into a betterbalance. baking soda, baking powder that are leavening agents in there and there are spiceswith ground cinnamon, ground clove and ground all spice. i mean these are the nice kindof warm when you think of pumpkin, apple, these are the more common spices, ground gingeris a really nice one and that i mean and that's entirely up to you. some people really likethe cinnamon, you can put that in there and then you can add just a pinch of salt. thisis just going to help again to pick up some of those flavours in there. then we are goingto mix it well, so there are the dry ingredients,

pretty for the wet ingredients we are going to start off with one egg, we are going to mixthat up and we are going to add some grape seed oil. grape seed oil is a very neutraloil, doesn't really give you any flavour so it's a good oil to use in baking, if you useolive oil in baking you are going to taste the olives but it's a nice oil to use therefor baking because you are not going to start messing around with the flavours at all. sothat is going to go in. we are going to add some water and you can use brown sugar, organiccane sugar or honey, if you use honey on the recipe on the last one there it says one cupplus two table spoons of apple sauce. just ignore the two table spoons of apple sauce.the honey is going to increase that liquid

volume so you don't want it to be too i'm adding honey here, only one cup of unsweetened apple sauce is a great ingredient to use when you are baking. it makes foods moist so ithelps to replace some of the fat or butter that you would normally be using in the recipeand this is good you know if you do have a sore mouth or are having difficulty swallowing.that apple sauce is really going to help moisten up that muffin so it's not as dry. yes it'sthe unsweetened one, you want to go for the one without added sugar because it is alreadysweet on its own. so that's it for the wet ingredients.dry slowly goes into wet. that's usually the safest and by the safest i mean less of amess around the kitchen and just add it slowly

in there, if you have a helper. yeah get thekids in the kitchen absolutely, they can work on their stirring skills, they are going toget it all over the floor like me. so that is going to go in and the key to most baking,i'm not the baker by all means but when you do things like muffins like cakes you justwant to make sure you don't overwork it. that's the main thing, when you overwork it the glutenin the batter becomes gummy, it becomes over worked it becomes too strong and when youeat it becomes gummy. as soon as it's combined you can stop andthen we are going to add the last two ingredients in here and again these are optional choiceand you can put whatever you want here. we've got dates and pecans, you can use almonds,you can use raisins. i'm not a fan of raisins

in my deserts, i don't know if anyone sharesthat sentiment but, i feel like there are two camps on that, my family members alwaysget divided over whether to put raisons in things or not. i love raisins i just- notin your baked goods. it does add a nice sweetness and you are getting some extra fiber fromit as well. we are going to spoon them into our muffin cups over here. you want to goalmost all the way to the top. it's going to rise to the top there and that's it. it'sgoing to go into the over for 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. our magic over, andthat's it we did some small ones and we did some big ones, makes about 12 of the largeones and 24 actually a little more than 24 of the small ones.


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