kitchen 18
hey folks - really sorry if some of you havealready seen this video. i ran into some technical difficulties andhad to re-upload it. definitely worth watching a second time, enjoy. hello everyone its barry here welcome to myvirgin kitchen today we are testing some more kitchen gadgets first things first this isa sponsored video by best scenes so thank you very much to them i'll come on so in justa minute but it really does help make getting with gadgets possible first up we've got astonking gadget but remember as always some of these might help people with disabilitiesand also there's an amazing playlist full of all the other gadget videos up here anddown below right let's get going first gadget
we're looking at we need to make a batterfor another gadget so that works really well as this is one of those as seen on tv onesit's a -inch easy whisk instructions very simple you just push down on the whisk andit should whisk that's basically it you can do omelettes cream chocolate sauce smoothiesor more but we're going to make some egg waffle back i don't technically need to separatethese eggs but is a good excuse to use this gadget again there it is thank you very muchin the packaging i mean it hardly ever is so you get what you pay for right yes quitea rustic fancy nostalgic handle on it good grip how's that take care of it so this isit we just stick it in there and whisk it away if the heck of a workout i've got tosay it would work a lot better and probably
quieter on a plastic bowl but that hasn'tworked an absolute charm and got it all nice and phony lump-free exactly how i need soi needed to make that batter because we're about to make an egg bubble waffle pan thingthis is the next gadget come all the way from japan or china i was expected to come as onepan but actually turned up like this in a whole kit i've got to make it myself so whilei start to build it here's a little commercial break from today's sponsors so today's videofolks is sponsored by best themes and if like me and like lizzie here you don't know whatbest fiends is it's basically a really really addictive casual gaming at where you haveto build up a team of beans and the feet float i know how that sounds quite a strange contextto understand but trust me it is a really
really cool game so you basically have tomatch the same color object so kindly for mushroom with each other to collect power-upsand pass through the levels now when that best themes first got in touch i was likeall right i'll give it a little try so i downloaded it and had what i thought was going to belike a little five-minute session on it and it ended up being completed for full on scaledlike gaming session should got my headphones on and stuff it's fair to say i'm now a littlebit addicted so what started out with me trying to get to level level level and i am now atthe magical heights of level it's pretty much where mrs. various been on the sofa watchingsome sort of random reality tv show or i've been waiting for something to bake in theoven i've been having a little cheeky play
with it i can't i cannot and as i say i amnow a level hall so if you do download it let me know what level you're up to and then wecan sort of like compete against each other and then that's it that is my life for easterthere's an easter a challenge where you can win awesome award and apparently if youcomplete all levels there is a funny character to unlock i never been that excited aboutbunnies in my life is amazing if you pass that challenge before i do all you could tweetme a picture evidence of that i'm the jealous of your bunny skills so in the descriptiondown below there is a link so you can go and download the game and at least give it a goactually there's some rewards and incentives now you can get free gold and diamonds notactual real gold or diamond otherwise that
would be very different indeed but they areamazing in the game they really help you i need more diamonds actually i seriously dolove saying this game i need to put it down so anyhow to be honest during that break i couldn'tbuild that thing at all let's do it now where do we start there's no instructions with itat all it's literally come with that telecom doing diy run house again not even lizziehelps me that brush i guess handles or drumsticks screws no one is some sort of probe and thismust be the actual pan oh okay cool with us a bit of japanese newspaper in there we canhave a little bit of a look at the stocks and shares markets if you want so effectivelyit's hinged here what we lift it open to tune and we should go to make an amazing wafflelike that so hard can this be okay so dirty
as well look at that don't worry once theyget it will built i'm going to give it a darn good wash and myself right i think this is for lubricating our pan and this i think is as good as going toget so let's give everything a wash yep he's still going strong as standard are you turningto really practical video today i feel like this has actually come straight from the factorylike not even than any safety protocols whatsoever just straight and promote the production lineinto a box two mothers in case you just want to say right now if this gadget works it couldbe the greatest thing of all time if it doesn't after that i think i have the greatestgadget of all time so apparently what we do is so i new stock bonus game now found a recipeonline to help me it smells really good by
the way really custody and what we have toduplicate the pan first hence our big paintbrush that came with it preheat each half of thewaffle pan on a medium high heat for about million alright so that's going to get warmand i'm turn over and warm nib aside time for the other side this is where it's goingto get dangerous alright kids cups gonna take the tape off the brush we're going to oilinside that feels really nice maybe you join her and then this side to pour the butterinto the middle of the egg waffle pan and then immediately flip it over making sureto hold the pan together tightly so it doesn't leak cook for minutes teeny bit more thanthat let me close it and then activity that's all over my job but i'm going to carry oni put my handles on wrong are going to come
back to that in a minute it's not shuttingflush i'm going to show you the other gadgets then we'll come back to this so we kind ofdid get a bubbly effect um we'll come back to that in just a minute now have you everbeen to a radish themed dinner party and thought to yourself mmm i would much prefer theseradishes if they were in the shape of super mario mushrooms could this be the greatestgadget of all time this is the ravenel oh i've been all that word means sounds likea ninja turtle radish shaper create mushroom shapes from radishes or multiple radishesshould that equaled radish i know okay look for that that's that if we can make this workthis is going to be phenomenal basic instructions on the back let's listen it there is lookat that it's just one piece tool thing so
the steps which i've now managed to slicein half okay first thing cut the top off the radish i mean i actually going to need theknife in just a jiffy press the cut edge into the serrated center okay so that's that raisedbit there flat edge into there or just press it in oh no its kind of split my radish balljust skim over that so it's in holding the ravenel oh in one hand turn the radish clockwiseinto the blade until it can go no further right my stallion ok so that's your bladeinside it so we do need to twist it i've got a lot of radishes i supposed to pull thisout and it's supposed to look like a perfect mushroom they just i'm not not getting thatvibe at moment oh just a bow looks like a button mushroom well we'll move on with thisshoddy looking anyway and then basically to
create the white circles we use this littletool nipply bit on the end so we just sort of go into it okay that looks pretty neatthat looks good but the rest of it pretty friggin shocking isn't it look at that i thinki'm going to cut more going for a much deeper cut so i come out a radish festival and ifthat does exist i'd imagine they will take these along with them all right this one i'mmore confident about its collinear nice it hasn't broken so i've been a slightly deepercut oh because it is actually can you see the actual radishes come out that side i waswondering what was going on but is it magic it's like a radish pencil sharpener one ofthe first gadget videos ever did was the carrot sharpener is phoebe but this is actuallycan you see that is coming out of this great
yeah because i can see the stems come outright that side there as well so lets them yes can you see that that's much betterlook at that yep that's the mushroom now there's a lot of scoop out with it you justpray that it doesn't break remember the good old days when it used to be thingslike the ro hooks i also feel on a drone those were easy gadgets it's coming on topof a radish so i just gave it a bit of a top and tail so i tried to straighten theedge a little bit and there we go we have a super mario radish just trying to getone more done oh yes that is much better you get a little radish mate as well i loveit and anyone but i love it here's a question for you if michael jackson didn't take upscene but was actually a nice expert sure
he would use these these are no cry gloves basicallythey are gloves that apparently you can use sharp objects i did speak to my buildersand i did recommend not using an angle grinder but more things like sharp knives so when you'reslicing which we have been perfect from a radish moment right thereand these canprevent you from being touched so we will start in a verysimple knife it's not madeof steel or anything like that i don't think unless it's really finely woven sort ofmet lee stuff i'll advert um it feels very comfortable kind of like total toasties for my handsso this is a like a butter table knife and wouldn't really hurt anyway if i did thiswho actually feels quite nice i'm like buttering my own hand but there we go this is a slightly smallerparing knife that i just used on the radish
a moment looks quite big from there butit is it's quite a small knife here we go i'm just going to go to the top of a livepersonalized look okay that's really really cool i can go like that and it's not it'snot those play with most people but obviously this is what this gadget is intended forthat is legitimately work in that's really cool bigger knife so this is my big boyknife i've just sharpened as well that i use the most chopping my veg and stuff souh here we go can you see that wow that is amazing i've got loads more knives likeof use but i want to try it finally with a bread knife see how it's called i that serratededge so use that quite a bit when you slice some fresh loaves of bread this could bequite useful oh wow there is that initial
fear we are like i'm using a knife on myhand is this dangerous but no these gloves they called no cry gloves and that worksa charm and then you are optional backup hey shamal michael jackson just in case you'rewondering look my hands not a single mark on them jazz hands next gadget i am deadexcited about because i get to have ice cream at hattin i mean no one in this isthe quiz e-pro it sounds like a rapper doesn't it is let quizzy pro in the house my newalbum ice cream scoop and stack this is where it's an ice cream scoop and stackcreate for embedded milk cream glass a basically a shaft of scooping ice cream out untili a really neat cylinder shape does it sort of compress it lift it out so many greatthe servants suggestion was in one of these
sort of like cone balls but my supermarketi webs who didn't have that but you have oysters which is like the second-best waitforever after those ones but huge with chocolate will over it and even better we're usingcornish ice cream now corman was quite near where i live in it's like we don't get round thatwe were always coroner's holy scream is amazing oh wow well it's a lot more expensivethan i thought and also a lil bit like a pepper grinder not pepper on your ice creamlook so we push into out that you're the ice cream right now and imagine it ice creamin there but i'll just reenact it like that so the ice cream is there i push my buttoni'm going to call you out oh and if you've never seen them before these are ice cream waitfor oysters they are friggin amazing they've
got marshmallow in the middle or stir shapedchocolate and coconut oh nice not about is that it is family's in the drawer froma previous gadget video the heat one on the review i did a bit it wasn't that greatbut we now use it regular to really warm it up so there we go we push the scoop into theice cream like so huh holy ice cream get it so sorry oh look at that come on up youcome ah my mind tournament oh ron closes so i all right i folk so despite the pileof random musings of pancake leftovers left behind me i'll change the handle round and it nowdoes the shop flush why don't you guys tell me right you watching it you could helpme out if you think that's bad though that diy you should see the state of my wallpaperin that she ate too bad on camera right
stevie's pancake just do it folks i'm goingto use my pastry brush this time they're doing it on my terms finding me while i was puttingthat together the postman arrived they're not i've got another gadget just to watchcalled a fry wall without going to the box with the other their way in it's nice andhot and oiled up batter up so those instructions were to literally flip it as quick as you canso if you honest i'm just going to cover the hell alice please work please work ifit doesn't have got enough batter for one more attempt and this is a lot harder thanit looks and it's an innie gun in my face i just saw up or drop don't take that thewrong way yes that's right not so much no more noise you know what i can't be bothered todo it again but that does work i'm so�excited
to feel this tastes like it's got custardin it okay then stuck oh my gosh prom come so there we are then folks another kitchengadget testing video done and in the bag if you've missed any of the others now please checkout the playlist as a link up here and down below hours of gadget testing videos youguys seem to love grabbing the popcorn and watching that and thanks again so much tobest themes for sponsoring this video it does just make my whole channel and evenaffording gadgets and things possible so do please check out the app download itaddictive but ultimately thanks so much for watching don't forget to subscribe for regularrecipes and food fun and i'll see you next time
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