Cooking, Recipes quince
here you will be making quince vinaigrette you'll find it so easy you'll be slapping yourself on the face follow me my name is nicolas ganea welcome to informational cuisine i'll show you what you need to do
what you will need is white balsamic vinegar quince paste olive oil a bowl salt so get a little bit of your quince vinegar
whisk this until this completely done keep whisking obviously it needs a little more now the thicker it is the more emulsified this is but
since this is a paste it's got a lot of pectin in it if you don't know quince has a lot of pectin it actally has the most pectin all fruits then we are going to add olive oil just a bit very slowly
makes it more glossy look at that! and probably needs salt so it doesn't burn your back of your throat remember when it stops burning becasue you have added salt
and your mouth starts begin to water and taste it of course to see if it is done and perfect! your mouth show be watering oh wow that's crazy and your back of your throat shouldn't
be burning and should be making you want more alright pour into container in funnel now what you can do you could use it for ice cream for garnish for finishers
or sauce or deglaze or marinades and of course salads if you don't want to miss out on my future videos subscribe over here and if you want the recipe click over here
my question to you is this what are you going to do with this quince vinaigrette are you going to turn this into a ice cream put a little garnish or are you going to use it for a sauce a finisher
to the pan perhaps classic salads alright guys thanks for watching and peace
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