Cooking, Recipes mussels

Paleohacks Cookbooks

hi, my name is gator hillard and i'm hereon behalf of expert village; and today we're going to talk about making blue mussels witha sweet vermouth sauce. alright, the food is done and it's presentation time. you wantto take these mussels and just kind of line them up. they don't have to be perfect, thisis just like i said, basically a presentation thing where people go "ooh" and "ah"--it'salways worked for me. you know what? sometimes you're going to have to use your finger justto hold it up and keep it in there. go all the way around and don't worry about how manyare in the bowl; it's all going to work out--the more the merrier. sometimes you'll have musselstoo, that aren't open all the way; don't worry about it. you can rip it open it was finewhen we checked it. you want to finish up

putting out the rest of the mussels in here;get them up high. it looks good. you're going take your sauce--good looking stuff, too;and you're going to just start piling it on. a little bit of vegetables, then pour someof that sauce on it. earlier, i talked about using ciabatta bread--that's what i like touse on this dish--some people what they like to do is they'll grill their bread. i didn't;i didn't feel like it was necessary because this right here is full of flavors. you juststick your bread on top. at a restaurant, you'll see hash marks on top of the breadbut you can do it like this where you have it off to the side, all your mussels are goingto be sticking up. that is the way you can just serve this up. it's a great dish; wine,all that good stuff.


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