Cooking, Recipes mushrooms

Paleohacks Cookbooks

hi! this is josiah owen with expert village,and today we'll be talking about making sweet potato and squash vegetarian lasagna. nowwe're going to go ahead and cook our mushrooms. what we do is we're going to add about a 1/4cup of olive oil. then we're going to go ahead and add our remaining garlic to that. yousee its starting to sizzle a little bit. after this, we're going to go ahead and add ourmushrooms. now we're going to go ahead and mix thesearound. try and get them coated. it looks like we're going to actually add a littlebit more olive oil, a little splash more. you never want to over oil something. youcan always add but it's a lot harder to take away. make sure all the mushrooms are coated.let this cook until tender, so 2 or 3 minutes

should do it. after that, you just want toput it to the side until you need it.


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