Cooking, Recipes chestnuts
hello everyone ,today i will show you the way to prepare chestnuts at home , quick and easy, do not forget to put iike if you liked the video and share it with your friends we need to prepare the chestnuts to the a pan or saucepan ignite fire put the pan or saucepan on the fire and immediately put chestnuts in the pan we do not need to water or oil preparation time of five to ten minutes until preparing every thirty seconds we move chestnuts we move the chestnut repeatedly during the Cooking, Recipes process chestnut took the black color but it's not ready yet
continue flipping the chestnut pop the chestnut start if we turned a grain of the chestnut, we will find that it has opened up theâ the other side you can see it it will not open up all the the chestnut perhaps 1/3 of the the chestnut will open then we know that all the chestnut are ready to eat because the temperature must be equal to all the the chestnut in the pan when the the chestnut are ready to be eaten on this form you can also feel the smell of grilled the chestnut to know that they are ready to eat all the Cooking, Recipes process took 7 minutes
the chestnut ready to eatâ bon appetit
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