Cooking, Recipes brown rice
hi i'm christy morgan on behalf of expertvillage next i'm going to show you how to fry some tempeh. tempeh is a formative soybean cake it is whole soy bean product so it is very good for you and its a proteinsource. it is a pure protein. i'm going to cut the tempeh into little blocks. i'm goingto heat up my skillet first and then i'm going to add the oil after it is heat up a littlebit. i like to use fire oil and sesame oil for frying. they are high heat oils so ifyou are doing any frying you want to make sure you get a high quality oil that is usedfor high heat. so i'm going to put about a tablespoon or two of oil into my pan. i'mgoing to let that oil heat up a little bit before i put my tempeh in. i'm just goingto layer it in the pot here. be careful not
to burn our self. this is a cool tool thisis a silicon spatula that i'm going to use for flipping. this is new silicon which doesn'tmelt in a hot pan and you are going to fry this in a medium flame. frying on each sideabout 10 minutes. it is better to cook the tempeh at least at least 20 minutes for itto be digestible. so i have been frying my tempeh on each side for 10 minutes. now i'mgoing to sprinkle some choy uyo. choy uyo is a unpasteurized soy sauce, it is a veryhigh quality ingredient that is not high in sodium like regular soy sauce that you couldbuy at the store. so it is better to use choy uyo whenever you can and get it at the naturalfood store. i turned my flame off and now i'm going to sprinkle it and it is going tobubble and i'm just going to flip it in the
choy uyo. it just gives it a very nice flavor,a nice seasoning to it. now you have fry tempeh.
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