recipe for chicken wraps

hey guys my name is caitlin and welcome back to cait straight up today we are going to make some delicious pork shoulder lettuce wraps that are absolutely freaking to die for you are going to go

recipe for chicken wraps, nuts it is one of my latest obsessions i kind of feel like i'm eating mexican but they are slightly healthier you are going to love them let's get started we're starting this

pork shoulder by rubbing it down with some delicious spices we have garlic we have cumin we have paprika salt pepper and parsley we are going to mix it all together and rub it down alright we're going to drizzle with a tiny bit of olive oil and then we are going to get our spice mixture on and we're gonna rub this bad boy down and so he is completely coated in those

delicious spices now you can't be shy about this you just gotta kinda rub it all down you saw there about how much i have of each feel free to kinda like turn it in i have a really nice organic pork shoulder from wegmans they were on sale i was so excited to do this recipe so pumped about the slice of meat

so after we are completely rubbed in and our nice rub is on our nice hunk of meat here we're going to wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in our fridge and let it sit for about an hour after we allowed that to sit for about an hour we are going to get some olive oil hot in our dutch oven we are then going to sear each side for about three to five minutes just so we brown it up

and kind of get that outer coating cooking i'm going to be cooking my pork shoulder today in this awesome 6 quart dutch oven from zelancio available on amazon this is my latest obsession in terms of white kitchen products they have skillets they have grill pans and they have sauce pots they have everything i have every size of the dutch ovens it honestly is such a great high quality product for not a bad cost

and i think that you would love it as well available on amazon but that's what we're cooking with today after your brown your pork shoulder on each side we're gonna cook our other ingredients in that same oil so we have about five garlic cloves here mashed we mashed it with our knife after we peeled it and we're putting it into

our oil whole after that we have one large white onion that i'm just going to kind of cut each side into fours i don't want to lose track of the onion so i don't want to cut it too small but kinda just large chunks to put in that oil you hear it sizzling its cooking up after that we're going to put one half jar of banana peppers and their juices so i

like to do the juices first woo we are really sizzling there about half a jar of the juices and then add in those nice mild banana peppers now if you really want to go hot you can but mild gets the job done and really we want that juice that that and pork somehow goes so good, good really really good last couple of steps we are going to add a

little bit of worcestershire sauce i like to say about a fourth of a cup but i also eye it as you can see so that's a little bit of worcestershire and then i think i think i don't even know if i said that right that word trips me up every time i freaking hate it who named this i don't even know i think i know actually but it's such a trippy word to say on camera

but we are going to then add a tablespoon of molasses so this stuff is super sticky super gooey so its nice if you like do a little turn at the end there and then you don't get your bottle messy you see that turn that was awesome and then the final ingredient that we're going to allow to cook here is some rosemary i've been

doing this all with my left hand i am a righty hopefully doesn't look terrible we're going to give these ingredients a nice sir cover them up and let him cook for about eight to ten minutes before we add our pork shoulder back in while we're letting all of our other ingredients cook up together for about eight to ten

minutes we're going to pre heat our oven to 325 degrees we are then going to add our delicious shoulder back into that dutch oven and we're popping it right into the oven for another three hours when cooking pork shoulder one of the most important things is that you allow it to cook slowly on low heat in the delicious flavors and juices it's kind of tough

it needs time it needs love so it needs to get in that dutch oven it needs to sit in those juices and it needs to just turn into a masterpiece you guys are gonna be thrilled with this recipe just trust me we flipped that pork shoulder each side got to take a nice dip in that delicious juice and after three hours the temperature reached about 155 to

160 degrees that is when it is perfect to eat and so when that pork shoulder is done cooking it is very easy to shred and tear apart like so, so you are just going to pull it apart with your tongs and that makes it easy to put in your romaine lettuce now look at that there we go tell me this couldn't be easier

it's a super healthy recipe it's going to be to die for it's going to be awesome i'm so excited so we're just going to lay a nice amount you dont want to go overboard that might be a little much i'll give that one to my husband we're just gonna oops now i am throwing things we're going to do a nice amount of pork

in each of our romaine lettuce wraps so just kinda pop it on there it doesn't have to be super exact but you wanted to be like a good amount of every person that gets a a bite of that lettuce wrap gets some of your delicious pork shoulder now i like to stuff my pork shoulder lettuce wraps with just a few ingredients i like to top them with a little bit of sauteed red onion not

too much not too overpowering but just a little bit on there because it's just a nice flavor with that pork if you remember it cooks with the onion originally so just kind of having that sauteed purple onion on it it just kind of really really brings out some nice flavor after that i like to add a little bit of diced green chiles

now i like heat i have said this many times on this channel it doesnt mean that you like heat so if you do not like hot it doesn't mean that you wont enjoy these pork shoulder lettuce wraps it just means duh guys leave off the freakin chiles you know some of the comments it's like if you dont like heat don't add the hot peppers seems reasonable enough to me but

i like heat so i like to put a little bit of diced chili's right in there with that kind of sauteed onion just because that pork has that banana pepper and onion flavor in it and this kind of just brings it home when you're eating it and this is where i like to make a little homemade sriracha mayo you just add some sriracha hot sauce to some mayo

and then you are going to spoon it into a plastic bag for easy scooping onto your wraps just kind of spoon it on in there perfect and zip it up and then you cut a nice little size hole at there bottom and it makes for easy drizzling and there you have it guys delicious pork shoulder hot and spicy so freaking good

lettuce wrap your friends are gonna love feel free to leave that spicy mayo on the side incase not everybody loves it this combination of ingredients really is fantastic but you know go ahead try some other ingredients you want throws some tomatoes on there are some more soy sauce or anything honestly go ahead and experiment because you are

going to love this recipe subscribe to cait straight up for more fun recipes every tuesday if you have questions comments concerns do that below this video or tweet at me @caitstraightup i'd love to hear from you and other than that guys i can't wait to see you next time bye bye!


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