recipe for chicken thighs and rice

hi guys! i'm laura vitale and in this episodeof laura in the kitchen i want to share with you a really delicious family meal that isreally a one pot wonder, it is my chicken potato bake, now i have done a version ofthis before, a few years ago but this is kind of like an updated version of it, and i madeit recently in one of our vlogs and i had everybody asking for the recipe because imake a really good marinade and it is just

recipe for chicken thighs and rice, phenomenal. the ingredients you will needare, some good chicken, now what i will suggest you use is chicken, the drumsticks and thethighs bone in skin on, those are the best for roasting, if you want you can buy a 3pound, you know, 3 pounds, like a whole fryer that it has been cut up around 3 pounds andyou can use that, i, for roasting chicken

like chicken thighs and the drumsticks skinon, bone in that is my personal preference and then to give it lots of flavor, i gotsome dried sage, dried thyme, fresh rosemary or you can use dried rosemary, paprika, granulatedgarlic and onion, some dijon mustard, you will need a lemon, salt and pepper, and oliveoil and then will take some potatoes, extra rosemary and garlic in a little bit but beforewe do that i want to marinate this chicken so, to my flavorful mixture here, i am goingto add a good amount of salt because remember you are seasoning a lot of chicken so do notbe afraid to season well and then lots of black pepper nice and coarse, give this areally good - you can absolutely use chicken breast if you wanted to but just make sureit has skin on, bone-in otherwise is going

to be dry and you do not want that and theni am going to put the entire juice of a lemon in here, seeds and all, do not worry aboutit because is not like, it is not like you are going to be able to, they are not goinginto a sauce, it is a marinade so, is all okay, and then i actually just cut the lemonsand put them in there and i did wash my lemon so do not worry about that and then we aregoing to add, i will say all in all maybe about a quarter of a cup of olive oil, thisis not going to cut it, we will be here until next tuesday, yeah about maybe a quarter cupof olive oil because again you got a lot of chicken in there, and then just use your hands,give this a smash around and then we are going to add in our chicken, ahhh.. it smells incredible!in our, the video, in the vlog when i made

this , i did not add the paprika but thenthe following time i did it, i did add the paprika and it just not only give it beautifulcolor but the flavor was outstanding so i say go ahead and add the paprika, that looksgood! now what i am going to do is i am going to cover this with plastic wrap and stickit in the fridge for a minimum of a couple of hours but honestly you can do this thenight before and then that way the next day you will have such a beautiful flavored chickenand all you have to do is bake it in the oven and you are done and dinner will be in thetable so, i am just going to let this go for a couple of hours and then we will wrap itup, first wash my hands, wrap this up, in the fridge and then i will show you how toput the whole thing together. my chicken was

in the fridge for a couple of hours and iam just letting it come to room temperature just a little bit because you never want totake a really cold meat and pop it into the hot oven, my oven now is preheated to 425f,now i am going to prep some potatoes, what i have here are some baby red skin potatoesand some yukon gold potatoes and all i am going to do is cut them in half, that is reallyabout it and this is so easy and so simple, if your potatoes are super small you can evenleave them whole, i prefer to cut them because that way the cut side gets really, reallynice and crispy and lets face it is the best part of the potato, of a roast potato in myopinion anyway, so i am just going to cut all this up and get them ready for my bakingdish which i have here, i have a giant roasting

dish, now, it is not dirty it is just stained,ha ha you can see how much i do use my pots and pans and baking dishes by the fact thatmost of them are stained but that i fell like, you know that is, that is how they are supposedto look i cook i mean i cook everyday so i am not going to buy new pots and pans anddishes all the time and i feel like they have character and they have history, that is whyi actually prefer when they look used but that is just me, i am just going to continueto cut this up and get them ready. i am going to drizzle them with just a touch of oliveoil, do not need to much because the chicken render out some of it's own fat that thisis going to cook into and that will be delicious, i am just putting some salt and pepper onthe potatoes, lets just put a good amount

of salt because remember potatoes need saltand then i just strip some rosemary leaves, i do not even want to chop them, i just leavethem whole as it is, they crisp up, they taste lovely so all i am going to do now is tossthe potatoes, let them cover in the oil. just putting my chicken in my big roasting dishand as you can see i do not want to lose any of that marinade, so i am just going to movemy chicken around and then that way it kind of coats it really well in the marinate andthen make sure it is all skin side up and before i add the lemon to this, i am goingto surround my chicken with potatoes because i want this to be a really lovely one potkind of meal, really easy, squeeze things together if you have to, remember this, youknow, it should look like there is plenty

in there, you do not want 4 or 5 pieces ofpotatoes and then, and 2 and 1/2 pounds of chicken, so squeeze things together and itwill all work out beautifully and then i am taking my cloves of garlic unpeeled and iam just sticking them all over, now this does provides flavor but because we are leavingthem unpeeled i do not have to worry about them burning and then they get really nuttyand roasted and then you can just pop them right out, it is delightful so, put thosein there and then i take my lemons, my lemon quarters and then just pop them around, becausethat is all good flavor, and get that marinade. ahhh.. my nona will be proud that i am usingall the marinade, because hey.. i put it together, i want to use it, ok! that is looking goodenough for me, i am going to pop this into

the oven, it has been preheated to 425f, iam going to wash my hands first but i am going to pop this in there at 425f for about anhour to an hour and a half, it really it does totally depends on how your oven is and weare looking for this to get nice and crispy and the potatoes to develop beautiful colorand it can take anywhere from and hour to an hour and a half. wipe my hands and getthis in. my chicken and potatoes were in the oven for exactly 1 hour at 425f, now do notpanic if the top of the chicken gets a little bit dark, that is actually not the chickenit is the marinade because i added so much of the marinade right on top of the chicken,i provably should not have done that but it gets just a little bit dark but do not worryabout that, you can hear that the chicken

is crispy, the potatoes... look at this potatoes?!look at that! look at that color! i have let this cool just for a few minutes, look atthose!!! awwww! mmmmm... i'm going right in. for just a little something green i do liketo splash - sprinkle some parsley right on top and i do not even chop it, i just kindof throw them on top and let them do it's thing and it is so lovely, i am so excitedfor dinner. one pot wonders like this that you can pop right into the oven are a lifesaver, whether you have some time in doing it on the weekend or you can do this the nightbefore, pop it in the fridge, when you come home from work exhausted and tired, you knowyou are minutes away from a wonderful dinner, because all have to do, yo do not even haveto put it in a bowl and then put it in the

fridge to marinate, you can put it in a roastingtent and let it marinate in the roasting tent and then pop the whole thing in the oven,add your potatoes last minute if you are going to cute them so that they do not turn color,but i am going to go for a piece of chicken from right under here because i do not wantto disturb the top. ahhh, yes! look at that! it is going to be really hot though. i alreadyate like 4 potatoes! it is true! mmmm.. that is on point, it is flavorful, perfectly cooked,i wanted to show you the garlic as well, i just pop it right out of the skin, the skinlooks like this, you pop it right out and it is beautiful! mmmm... i got to go, laurainthekitchen.comwill have this recipe written for you. hope you enjoy spending time with me and iwill see you next time!! bye, bye!!


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