recipe for chicken tenders baked
hey guys, i'm alejandra. and i'm caroline.and today we're making peanut butter buffalo chicken tenders with a spicy dip. so there are a few steps here but they're all pretty simple. the ingredients we're using are somepanko bread crumbs, smoked spanish paprika, our smooth operator peanut butter, buttermilk,buffalo sauce, a little bit of salt and pepper, some flour, a little bit more buffalo sauce,and a little bit more buttermilk, and our
recipe for chicken tenders baked, chicken tenders. there are a few steps involvedhere but it's all pretty easy as long as you've got everything prepped out in advance. sowe're gonna start off with our flour mixture and if you want to just season that generouslywith a little bit of salt and pepper. sure. whenever you put flour in a breading you haveto make sure you season the flour 'cause that's
where the flavor is. yeah. now over here i'mgonna make our buttermilk base. so we're using buttermilk, our hot sauce, i'm gonna whiskin, and we've also got our smooth operator peanut butter that i actually warmed in themicrowave. i just put the whole jar right in. it makes it really easy to whisk in. socool. that's really nice. look at that. so if you want to keep whisking that. sure. andthat's what's going to gonna give the chicken that amazing spicy peanut butter flavor. andnow for here we've got our crunchy breading. we're using panko bread crumbs which are alittle bit bigger than regular bread crumbs. they just make baked chicken so crunchy andamazing, it's almost like you fried it. so just whisk in that paprika, it gives it alittle bit of a little extra smoky flavor.
and now i'm gonna put this on a shallow plate,just gonna make the breading much easier. all right, so you can see i'm using thesepie plates, it's really easy for dipping it just makes the process super fast, you couldalso use a shallow bowl, whatever you've got. so over here we've got our beautiful chickentenders, and we're just gonna take them and work our way right through the bowls. so youstart off with the flour, it's gonna coat that on all sides. so if you didn't have chickentenders for any reason what would you do? cut strips out of skinless chicken breasts?absolutely, sure you can just use chicken breasts and cut it into nice long strips,it'd work really well. so this is going from the flour right into this buttermilk mixtureand the flour actually makes the buttermilk
mixture adhere to it so that it really stayson and you get all that awesome flavor. and now this is gonna go right into our breadcrumbs. nice. and this is gonna go onto our baking sheet. all right so we're gonna keepdoing this with all the chicken and then we're gonna put them into a 350 degree oven forabout fifteen minutes and we're gonna give them a flip and then cook them for anotherten minutes or until they're fully cooked and super crunchy. so we got the chicken tendersout of the over, they're golden and crunchy. they smell delicious! really do. so we justneed the perfect finishing touch for this. it's a spicy peanut butter dip with a littlebit more of that buffalo hot sauce. so it's very simple we're just using some buttermilk,a little bit of that buffalo sauce, and just
about a half a cup of this peanut's still warm so it's really nice and easy to pour in and stir. nice. just gonna givethat a nice whisk. you guys won't believe how awesome the combination of buffalo pluspeanut butter is. can't wait to try it. super yummy. just add a little pinch of salt, alittle bit black pepper, whisk that in. so it's the same mixture that you put as thedipping layer too. basically, yeah. but just different...different proportions, that'scool! you already have the ingredients. totally. and so now i'm just gonna use a little spoonto get this into our serving bowl. so there you have it: peanut butter buffalo chickentenders with spicy dip. all right, let's give these a try. all right. i'll share one ofthese with you. ooh, thanks! i am ready. so
ready. got dipping sauce. all right. lovethat combo. so crispy, peanut butter's awesome with this. who knew? buffalo plus peanut butter,perfect couple. chicken tenders are an easy to prepare meal that you can even eat withyour fingers. what are some of your favorite fingers foods you'd like us to make with peanutbutter. tell us in the comment section. thanks for watching, we hope you love the recipeand if you did, give us a thumbs up. every week we cook up a new peanut buttery dish,so make sure you follow the peanut butter & co. channel to catch them all. we'll seeyou next time.
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