recipe for chicken tortellini soup

today i will be making creamy spinach pasta. this is a delicious dish. pasta with fresh spinach and with rich creamy sauce. this looks and taste great. this recipe will serve 2-3.

recipe for chicken tortellini soup, for this recipe we need: 6 oz or 1.5 cups of penne pasta. to cook the pasta, we need 1 tablespoon of oil

and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. for creamy sauce, we need 2 tablespoons of olive oil 2 tablespoons all purpose flour (maida or plain flour) 1 teaspoon of dry basil 1 teaspoon of italian herbs 1/4 teaspoon of red chilli flakes 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper 1/2 teaspoon of salt

1 cup of milk 1 cup of heavy cream 1/4 cup of mozzarella cheese and 6 oz or 2 cups of chopped spinach. before chopping take out all the stems. water is boiling on medium high. i have 6 cups of water here. add the oil. salt

and pasta. as pasta cooks, it increases in volume. so make sure you are using lot of water. pasta has been boiling for 10 minutes. and it's ready and you can touch and see that it should be tender. now we will prepare the white creamy sauce. heat is on, medium high. first i will add the oil.

and all purpose flour (maida). stir it. it should take just 1-1.5 minutes. so it will get light brown. basically, we just want to make sure the all purpose flour doesn't have the raw feeling. it's ready. now i have to add the herbs. basil italian herb

red chilli flakes black pepper and salt. and add the milk, slowly. we want to make sure there is no lumps. and now i will add the cream. and let it come to boil. make sure you keep stirring it. this is a very simple recipe.

as milk comes to boil, i will add the spinach. and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. and then add the pasta and cheese. milk is boiling. and as it's boiling, you can smell all the herbs. it's time to add the spinach. mix it. and after it comes to boil then let it cook on the low medium for 2-3 minutes.

after sauce came to boil, it has been cooking for about 2-2.5 minutes. so i am going to add the cheese. and as sauce cools off, it will become thicker in consistency. it's ready. turn off the heat. i will take out the pasta. and this strainer works really good for this purpose. now i am going to pour the sauce over pasta. this is my version of fettuccine alfredo.

and it looks great. and give a light mix. creamy spinach pasta is ready to serve. creamy spinach pasta is looking great. today i will be serving this for dinner with salad soup and french bread. enjoy this delicious pasta. thank you. till we meet again, check out more recipes on


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