recipe for chicken strips from breasts

i guys my name is j i'm speaking on behalfof expert village. i'm going to go ahead and cut my chicken, i'm going to show you guyshow to cut it properly. we got our chicken down here as you can see. what you want todo is cut the chicken breast as long, this way you want to cut that way. so long stripsof chicken fajitas. try to get a sharp knife if you can and cut in a angle across justlike that. you want to be careful to don't

recipe for chicken strips from breasts, tear your chicken you want nice beautifulstrips just like that. (cutting fajitas) you want to do this with a sharp knife if youcan, i'm using a chef's knife this is really a sharp knife as you can see i got nice reallybeautiful long strips. not only beautiful but you got the nice little grill marks oneach side and this is ready to serve and that

is basically how you cut your chicken fajitasfor your chicken fajitas taco.


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